Chapter 30:

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It had been weeks since Cleo had kidnapped you, and you could feel yourself slowly start to drift away from reality. Nothing seemed real to you; everything felt made up or fabricated. You didn't want to live anymore, but you didn't want to die either.

You had become a shell of who you once were. Cleo didn't mind, of course, as you had stopped pulling away from her affection and instead had accepted it.

That didn't mean you liked it though.

Any time her hands brushed against you, you would internally cringe. Any time she would hug you, you'd mentally gag. Any time she'd kiss you, your stomach would do flips from nausea.

But of course you couldn't show her that. You had to act like it didn't bother you. Even if you hated it, it got you closer and closer to escaping. You had planned on escaping when she least expected it. It would give you an advantage, which was something you needed.

Fantasizing about running off was something you had always done, but now it was serious and it was highly needed. But you knew you couldn't. Not on your own, anyway.

"Hey, Cleo?" You asked as she gently combed through your hair.

"Yeah?" She asked in return.

"Is Jax, or anyone, looking for me?"

Cleo felt her stomach twist in distaste. "No." She spat harshly. "No one is. No one wants to."

"Oh." You sighed. You had expected that answer, but you didn't realize how much it would actually hurt.

"Yep." She nodded. "So don't ask it again, okay?"

Her grip on your hair tightened, and you tried to pull away. She held you still, causing you to yelp.

"It hurts, doesn't it?" Cleo's voice was unusually dark and demanding, and you sat in fear of her sudden shift in personality.

"Y-Yeah!" You whimpered. "Please stop!"

Cleo let go of the ends and grabbed your hair at its roots. She tugged and bended your neck back to look at her.

She felt no remorse and no sorrow for you. She was guilt free, leaving the emotions for you to feel.

"Don't say anything about them." She hissed. "Don't think about them, don't talk about them, don't feel anything towards them. You're never getting out. Stop thinking you will."

She pulled back before shoving you to the ground. You winced, catching the carpet with your knees. They began aching, the carpet burn already starting to settle.

"I'm sorry." You mumbled, sitting up to rub the pain from your knees.

"Good." She turned and left the room, not bothering to shut the door. She figured you wouldn't try anything, especially not after her warning.

She was right, you wouldn't. You knew when to test her limits and when not to.

You stood and crawled in her bed, not caring to cover up as you relaxed your eyes. You felt overly sensitive. Even the smallest thing could send you into a fit of tears and screams. You couldn't believe the amount of emotions that swarmed you.

A sudden, loud scream sounded through the room, and you jumped up to see what had happened. Nothing seemed out of place, even though the scream was directly in your ear. You curled your legs up against your chest and rocked back and forth.

Whatever the sound was obviously didn't come from the room you were in.

You decided to ask Cleo to see if it was her. You stepped from the bed and into the kitchen.

"Hey, Cleo?" You called.

"Hm?" She turned to look at you, and Nefera glared.

"Did...Did you scream?" You asked.

You felt stupid, and their confused glances only made you feel worse.

"No, baby." She hummed.

"So...So no one heard it, either?"

They both shook their heads no. You inverted yourself back against your own spine, feeling like you folded your body into itself. Then, you stepped back into the room.

Whatever it was, you didn't want to mess with it.

Jax pulled up at a small farm no bigger than a few acres. He sighed, looking over the small buildings. If you were there, it wouldn't be hard to find you.

He exited the car quickly, Manny's head beginning to smell horrible. He was tired of driving with it, but he didn't want to let it go. It was a prize, a trophy of his victory. There was no way he'd throw it out.

Jax walked up to the small farm. Then, he knocked on the large door of the house. An older man stepped out and glared.

"What can I help you with?" He asked.

"I'm looking for a small girl, (Y/N). She's about yay high, (E/C) eyes and (H/L) (H/C) hair. She's missin'." He fixed his posture, attempting to look more threatening. It worked, as the man had pulled away and shrunk back.

"I don't know her." He admitted. "All I know is she's with Mr. De Nile's daughter. And they ain't here!"

"You rentin' this land?"

The man nodded. "Yes sir!"

Jax took a long look around before huffing. "Here's my number, call if you hear anything else."

Jax gave the man his number and began walking off. Before he could reach the end of the porch, the man called out to him. "What's your relationship to her?!"

"I'm her dad." He glared. "And I'm saving my kid."

He stalked off, leaving anymore questions for the man to ponder over. Then, he climbed back in his car. The smell was really bothering him. Jax decided to roll down some windows to let it air out.

The head had been leaking its juices and rot in the seat, and the small cloth he used to prevent it from hitting the seat was failing. He shook his head. He would save you. He was determined.

Indecisive ((Yandere Cleo De Nile x F. Reader))Where stories live. Discover now