Chapter 40:

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Jax watched from a distance as you carefully shoveled the dirt back in the hole you had just dug from. He shook his head, a look if disapproval over his features. You seemed tired and hungry, and Jax's heart ached for you. He wished to bring you home and let you rest back in your bed. He wanted you to be free, to be back at home and at work and with your friends. He wanted you to live your life, not stay stuck in one place by a controlling, kidnapping bitch.

He needed to make a move. He needed to save you. He needed to be your hero! But how could he? How was he supposed to when you were surrounded by guards all the time? Was this just another sick joke that the universe had in store for him?

He refused. He would save you. And it all started with a little push.

He lifted himself from the ground he laid on and took off running to the house, ignoring everything and continuing his path straight down to the cute little cottage you had been staying at. He hopped a fence and burst in through the back door.

The house was perfectly cleaned and in order. It were as if no one loved there at all, and the perfect home sent a chill down his spine. It seemed artificial, like nothing in it was legit or living or even real. It was a huge imaginary scene to Jax. You lived there? You stayed in that home for months?

It didn't seem like it. But Jax decided not to mess too much with the thought. He was on a mission. He was looking for something.

Jax ran to the first room he saw. He guessed it was Nefera's old room, because pictures of her were everywhere. He scoffed at her self centered decor. Surely she wasn't that bad when she was alive?

He groaned. He knew if she had it then Cleo would have never killed her.

He looked into the next room. It held tons of toys and torture devices, things that look like their purpose was either sex or pain. He shivered again. It was disgusting to think that Cleo had planned on using those things on you.

He decided that room would have it, so he began his search.

He searched for hours, not finding any hint on it as he threw things out of boxes and bags. He knew it was somewhere, he just didn't know where.

Jax stood, knowing fully well that if it wasn't in that room, it had to be in one of the other rooms. Specifically, Cleo's room.

He travelled down the hallway and to Cleo's room. He started in her dresser, looking under every article of clothing and slinging it to the ground. He didn't care about being caught. If he found it then he wouldn't have to worry at all.

After not finding it in any of the drawers, he decided to check the nightstand. He ripped it apart, looking for anything that could give him a hint as to where it was. Nothing gave him any hints, leaving him back to square one. He stood silently. If he were a teen girl, where would he hide things?

Under the mattress, duh.

Jax lifted the mattress and threw it off the bed. Right where he thought, there it was.

A gun.

He lifted it and cocked it before shooting at a window. The glass busted from the bullet that pierced it. He smirked. It was exactly what he needed to save you.

The sound of a door opening caught his attention, and he listen for a second to see if he could hear anyone moving through the house. He did, and he jumped into the closet and hid. He watched through the peephole as Cleo handed you a pair of bed shorts and a t-shirt.

You nodded, exchanged some words that he couldn't quite make out, and walked off. Then, the sound of a shower turned on, and he smiled. It was his chance.

Indecisive ((Yandere Cleo De Nile x F. Reader))Where stories live. Discover now