Chapter 31:

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Jax arrived at another location, his forehead sweating from the heat in his car. He jumped out the vehicle to vomit on the side of the driveway. The stench of Manny's head had finally got to him. After Jax was done emptying his stomach, he grabbed the head by the horns. Then, he took his pocket knife and dug into the rotting flesh.

Maggots and slime fell with every chunk of meat cut off. Jax gagged again, but held down his stomach as to not make matters worse. He was tired, and he didn't want to add anything else to his exhaustion.

Manny's skin and muscle and brain matter had come out easily, meaning Jax had a new bull head to hang in the livingroom when he got home. After he found you, of course.

If Jax was honest with himself, he hadn't functioned the right way since your disappearance. He hadn't eaten, showered, or even slept properly. You had completely taken over his brain. His own daughter was killed. He couldn't let that happen to you.

Jax shoved the skull in the trunk and stepped over to the large house that sat on the land. He rang the doorbell and waited. While he did so, he gazed up at the top of the Egyptian pyramid style house. Finally, the doors open.

A lady in a long dress answered the door.

Jax put on a fake smile. "Hi, I'm lookin' for Mr. De Nile."

The woman looked at him nervously. "Do you have a meeting with him?"

"Yep." Jax gritted his teeth. "I sure do."

The woman allowed him entry and led him to the room where Cleo's father sat. Jax nodded and waited for the woman to shut the door.

The man stood and offered Jax a drink by showing him the bottle with his hand. Jax nodded. After his drink was poured, he took it in one shot.

"How can I-" Jax cut him off with a swift punch in the jaw.

"Where the fuck is she?!" Jax growled.

Ramses held his face and glared. "Who?"

Jax grabbed the collar of his shirt and cornered him. Then, he shook him and slammed his head against the wall.

"I'll ask again. Where is my fuckin' daughter?!"

"She's hours away! On a piece of land in Miami!"

"Where at in Miami."


"I-I-I! Shut the fuck up!" Jax mocked, and he slammed his head against the wall again. "Where?"


"Thanks." Jax landed one final punch to his head, knocking him out.

Jax let his body fall to the ground pathetically. Then, he walked out of the house and left the door open. He jumped back in the car and zoomed off. If you were in Miami, then that's where Jax was heading.

You stiffened in your seat at the dining table. Cleo had tried to make you feel better after hearing the scream, but she wasn't doing a very good job at it. Despite her attempts at calming you, you still remained uneasy about your safety.

You lifted your fork and stabbed at the meat Cleo had put on your plate. It was delicious, but of course you wouldn't tell her that. You were still spiteful that she had kidnapped you. And in all honesty, you didn't understand the severity of her love. Why didn't she just ask you out? Why did she hurt you if she loved you?

Questions constantly swarmed your brain, but there was always one similar one. What the fuck made that scream?

You figured it was all in your head. You figured everything that ever happened was in your head. You weren't really kidnapped. Maybe you went psycho after the rape situation and started hallucinating. It would make sense.

And it explains the scream.

As you were sitting and enjoying your meal, you heard your name being called from one of the back rooms. It sounded like Jax!

But the girls didn't hear it
Cleo and Nefera both acted completely oblivious to the noise.

"See?!" You jumped up. "I told you Jax would come and rescue me!"

You leapt from the table, running directly to the room you heard his voice from. But upon arrival, no one was in the room. It was filled with old, dusting furniture that hadn't been used to decorate the house. Cleo stepped into the doorway and watched as you teared up.

You turned to her, your eyes drowning in tears and your cheeks a bright red.

"I-I thought he was in here." You sobbed, and you used your palm to wipe away your tears. "I thought he would save me."

Cleo didn't get mad. Instead, she was very concerned. You had never acted like this. Perhaps the sudden change was too much on your fragile mind? Maybe you were much more breakable than she had assumed?

Either way, Cleo didn't see it as an issue. Instead, this was an opportunity! She'd be able to worm her way back into your life and be the one shoulder you could cry on! Oh, how badly she wanted that.

Before Cleo could speak, Nefera pushed past her and cradled you in a hug. She shushed you silently, similar to how you'd shush a baby. You wrapped your arms around her, wanting anybody other than Cleo.

Nefera sent her a dark smirk, and immediately Cleo knew what was going on. Nefera was acting as if she was your hero so she could pull you away from Cleo and into her! There was no way Nefera was smitten with you. You weren't her type.

So maybe Nefera just wanted to pick on Cleo.

And that, out of everything, upset Cleo the most. She couldn't stand there and let it happen! But how could she stop Nefera?

An idea spread into her mind and chest like a wild, out of control fire. She knew exactly how to fix the issue.

Indecisive ((Yandere Cleo De Nile x F. Reader))Where stories live. Discover now