Chapter 37:

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Your sore eyes opened the next day. Your limbs were tired from their crumpled up position, and your joints refused to move. It hurt tremendously, and you feared the pain that would occur when you straightened them out.

Cleo stepped in the room with a bowl and a spoon. You guessed it was cereal, and as she squatted next to the cage you saw that your guess was correct.

She lifted the spoon to your mouth, not speaking a word as she carefully fed you through the openings in the cage that held you. You ate quickly, enjoying the milk that ran over your dehydrated tongue.

Afterwards, she stood and turned her back to you. You yelped.

"W-Wait!" You called out. "Please! Don't leave me alone in here!"

She didn't say anything, and she slammed the door shut as if she hadn't done a thing at all. You inhaled sharply. You needed to get out. You needed your freedom. You realized you had taken for granted the slight freedom Cleo had allowed you to have by walking around the house.

You scoffed at yourself. God, you were so easy to break.

Cleo listened from the other side of the door, an emotionless, blank stare on her face. She didn't care. She couldn't. She had to train you. She had to make you obedient. There was no way she could ever be affectionate if you kept refusing her.

Maybe she didn't have to punish you? Maybe all she had to do was scare you really badly?

Cleo shrugged. She could always give it a try.

The silence killed you, and you cried out to Cleo to let you out.

"Cleo!" You called. "Cleo! Come back!"

Cleo didn't move. She sat and listened to your cries, allowing you to release any aggravation you felt. Your cries turned into whimpers and apologies before eventually dying down all together.

The pain of your palms and knees sent warning signs throughout your mind. You desperately needed to get out of the cage, but how were you going to do that if you couldn't escape?

"Cleo!" You tried once more. "Please, just let me out!"

Cleo felt herself getting aroused from your calls. God, you sounded so needy and helpless. Anyone could take advantage of you in the cage. You were lucky it was her that was keeping you.

Cleo found herself diving into a world if thoughts she had no business thinking. But then again, you were hers and only she was allowed to think of you like that.

Before she could finish a fantasy, a loud piercing scream sounded from the bedroom door. She stopped and stared at the handle. If you had gotten free, she was in for a world of trouble. No guards, no Nefera, only you and her.

She had to find out if you really had escaped or not. What could she possibly do to check on you without making it seem noticeable?

Cleo opened the door and slowly slid in the room, not making eye contact with you. You reached out to her through the cracks in the cage. She heard your whimpers but ignored them. Cleo grabbed her pillow and blanket from her bed and exited the room. You cried out.

"Cleo please! I can't...I can't do it! There's pe-people in here and-and they don't like me." You sobbed. Your hallucinations had increased tenfold, leaving you in a mushy, dreamlike state. Who could you trust if you couldn't even trust your own brain? "Please Cleo. I need you!"

That's right. You trusted Cleo. Cleo helped you, didn't she? She saved you from your home life. She saved you from a lot.

"Cleo please, you're all I have!" You sobbed and shook the cage. "I'll be a good girl! Just please un-unlock the cage!"

Cleo walked back in the room and stared at you.

"Cleo, I love you?" You asked. No. You had to be sure. "CLEO!! I love you!!"

Cleo felt her mind shatter. You sat limp against the cage and cried harder. The tears left your cheeks blotchy and stained with desperation. She walked to the cage and squatted.

"Do you mean that?"

She sounded so emotionless, so void.

"Yes." You smiled through your pain and gave her a genuine grin. "You're my hero. You saved me."

She thought for a moment and unlocked the cage. Then, she helped you out and laid you on the floor.

"It hurts." You whined. "Everything hurts."

She took one of your legs and slowly pulled it. She stretched your limbs for you, allowing you to scream and cringe from the pain. After she had helped you, she stood.

"Get in the bed." She directed. "I'll be back in here in a moment."

You crawled to the mattress and laid limp against it.

Cleo took her phone and dialed Jax's number. He answered quickly.

"What the fuck do ya want?" He growled.

"You lost." Cleo stared out the window to where his car was parked. "You're too late. She loves me. Not you. She loves me."

"No. She's just hurt."

Jax hung up the phone. His worst dream had come true. You broke. He cried silently, biting at his already ripped lips to ease his mind. There was no way you actually loved her. Maybe you were just doing it as a defense mechanism?

Yeah! That's it! It was a defense mechanism. You didn't actually love her. It was just Stockholm Syndrome. A type of defense. Nothing real. Nothing serious. It was easily fixed. He just had to help. And fast.

Indecisive ((Yandere Cleo De Nile x F. Reader))Where stories live. Discover now