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MONDAY had been a disaster at work

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MONDAY had been a disaster at work.

Finally done and finished with her shift at the local Starbucks, y/n had entered her apartment that evening with legs that felt more like jelly than muscle, and what she could have sworn was caramel drizzle sticking to her crop top.

Today it being a Monday, was reason good enough for chaos to ensue at work. The people were awfully grouchy for having to sit at their jobs after a rough weekend, and demanded their drinks pronto in result. Being timid and exceptionally soft-spoken, only two customers had been nice enough to treat y/n like an actual human being for her bashful demeanor. The rest were as bitter as the grapefruit sparkling water they sold at the counter.

She hated her job for the certain discomfort it brought from all the social interaction she had to do. But she was a nineteen-year-old art student, living in a thriving city, and in an apartment that definitely was cosier than most.
The simple truth was, she needed the money to continue the lifestyle she had chosen for herself. So, what else was she supposed to do, other than grind and sweat at her workplace, and then cry about it to Naruto?

Pushing the door closed with a prolonged sigh, the exhausted girl turned the key twice and ensured that the lock had clicked firmly into place by testing the handle - the action becoming somewhat of a sturdy habit after living alone for over a year.

Satisfied that the door was locked behind her, she kicked off her shoes and draped the thin cardigan she had taken with her over the nearby hanger. The evening degrees could sometimes fall chilly during the brisk walk it took for her to get home from the cafe, albeit that was not the case today.

Summer had remained relentless when it came to upkeeping the blazing heat, making the exasperated artist regret ever taking the stupid cardigan in the first place. She was just about ready to crawl out of her skin from the feverous haze; to make Naruto stuff her into a freezer and call it a day. It was that hot.

Taking a couple of steps forward with the peculiar blond in mind, y/n threw a glance to the mirror she kept fixed on the wall.
She frowned at the red face to stare back at her and the faint glimmer of salt residing on her skin. Her visual appearance had certainly seen some better days.

The idea of a shower seemed more than inviting. She wiped the sweat from her brow with a tired hand before spinning on her heels to walk down the hallway.

"Naruto?" Even when saying his name, she sounded tired.

Nothing but silence responded. Though, the low grunt and sound of quick-paced footsteps to resonate from the living room made her stop short.
A couple of seconds passed. And then she watched as a head of messy, blonde hair slowly peered around the corner.

Naruto stared at her. y/n stared right back.

She could see his lips break into a wide, toothy grin when he pushed from the wall all of a sudden. His blue eyes were bright from raw, childish glee as he shouted, "You're home!"

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