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THE summer heat was relentless

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THE summer heat was relentless.

Naruto felt like his very bones had long since reached their melting point from the afternoon Sun to blaze above his head. With every footstep he took along the sidewalk, heatwaves bounced from the cracked concrete and punched him straight in the face with relentless ardour.
His headband felt heavy as it clinked inside the pocket of his pants. Fortunately for him, y/n had been smart enough to persuade him into leaving his jacket at home.

'Home?' Kurama drawled within his mind. The voice of the fox was thick with amusement as it said, 'It has only been a day, and you've already settled yourself inside this captivating world, Naruto?'

'Captivating?' Naruto replied, his own mental voice hesitant, 'You find this world captivating?'

'I do.'


'I am an old creature,' Kurama sighed, pointing a honed claw to his heart.

'I already know you're old.'

'As always; your sense of humour remains rather unimpressive.'

'You're unimpressive.'


The man-child in question rolled his eyes now, 'Just spit it out already.'

The beast gave an exasperated sigh, 'What I meant to say, was: After being alive for so long, it is rare to find things thrilling. This world is one of them, and thus captivating.'

'That's the only reason?' Naruto spun on his heels inside their meeting place and looked the enormous fox dead in the eye. He quirked a brow when he said, 'The thrill?'

The Nine-Tails paused. Tilted its great head like a predator as it stared down at its vessel.

'Well?' Naruto pushed. 'Answer me.'

'I find the girl captivating, as well.' Kurama admitted after a moment of thought. He shrugged, 'For you.'

'Oh, is that so?' the blond uttered, crossing his arms over his chest. Provoking a tailed beast... How fun.

Said beast gave a subtle nod now, 'Of course. She is patient with us, clever and polite.' Though, the sentence to follow right after was just as fast to taunt the Uzumaki, 'Everything you are not.'

'Excuse me?' Naruto fussed, 'I will let you know that I could be all of those things if I wished, you damn fox!'

'Why aren't you, then?'

'Because that'd be boring.'

A sneer, 'So, you find the girl boring... Is that what you're saying?'

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