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"... And that's about it. I think."

NARUTO'S hands shook.

During y/n's brief, albeit sufficient explanation, his fingers had begun curling further into his palms with every word she spoke. By the time the timid girl had finished, the speechless Uzumaki was clenching his fists, his beaten-up knuckles stark white and contrasting his otherwise tan skin. She cast a wary look on his stiff posture, but said nothing. It only made the veins atop his hands protrude.

Naruto wetted his lips and took his time staring at the girl sitting across from him. Even swallowing the runny saliva that had gathered inside his mouth proved too difficult of a task. The bitterness stuck to his teeth. He hadn't expected any of this, and even if he did, it'd still feel surreal.

The silence between the pair was insufferable.

"So," he uttered finally, voice eerily grim.

"So," she mirrored.

"You mean to tell me I'm not actually... Real?" In an instant, Naruto caught her body flinch at the visible dismay he portrayed with the word. She seemed to be growing uncomfortable underneath his piercing stare. He didn't bother trying to soften it.

"Well," y/n spoke, her apprehensive gaze immediately falling to her lap. She clasped her hands together as if in prayer when she said, "You're real now?"
She had voiced a question, not a statement. As if she - herself, wasn't still entirely sure if he really was lounging in that damn chair across from her.

Her voice was meek as it gradually faded into silence for a second time, both of her thumbs dancing in criss-cross motions atop her fists.
For some unknown reason, her flinching annoyed Naruto. He had never been irked by restless signs of anxiety to show within a person before, but at the sight of her just sitting there; all jumpy and nervous after telling him his entire life had been a lie...

It made him see red. He could feel his power surge through him in one awful swoop, his veins burning with wrath. It took every single ounce of willpower he could muster to stifle it back down. Kurama laughed at the pathetic attempt of his vessel and friend; the rumble of his laughter low and edged. Ancient.

'What are you mad at her for, boy?' the nine-tailed beast spoke within his mind, 'She only did what you asked of her.'

'Shut up, Kurama,' Naruto snapped, his back turned towards the fox, 'This isn't about you.'

No, this was about him. And how everything he had ever been; ever dreamed of becoming had suddenly turned pointless. His hopes, dreams, friends, world... His very existence had been created with the sole purpose of entertaining people - millions of them. He was a figment of someone's imagination, nothing more but a village fool frolicking and prancing around like a show pony. A goddamn drawing.

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