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"Hello...? Hey... Wake up, will ya?"

THE poking of a finger to nudge y/n's left cheek was persistently obnoxious. 

She stirred awake in the queen sized bed; stretching her tired limbs underneath the heavy duvet. With one foot remaining firmly placed inside the dreamworld full of inexplicable shapes and colours which she had been accommodating only moments before, the nineteen-year-old voiced a little groan in protest. Her brain still felt somewhat half-numb from sleep.

y/n's brows knit tightly together at the ceaseless poking which continued to assault her cheek. It grew even more impatient with the sigh of frustration to accompany it,

"C'mon...! Wake up. Ugh..."

The voice which filled her ears was a warm, coarse sort of rasp. As well as unfamiliar.


Her pupils dilated when she opened her eyes; adjusting to the stark darkness to engulf the entire bedroom. Her bedroom. This was her bedroom - her home. And in that home, y/n lived alone.

Which could only mean that a stranger had wound up inside it.

y/n felt dread spider-walk down her neck. Felt her entire body freeze into place at the sight of the tall, shadowy figure to loom above her curled up position - still nudging her cheek. The panic to overtake her sucked all of the air from her lungs in a single blow; made every exhale tremble. She couldn't move, couldn't breathe. Couldn't even remember how to do either of those things. 

The intruder to stand before her did know how, though.

His hand slid from her cheek. y/n stilled; body falling rigid at the broad palm to rest upon her shoulder, now. She couldn't tell how rough the finger pads were as one hooked underneath the thin strap of her silken nightgown. The movement was awkward - graceless. It brushed along her velvet skin which was still warm from the relentless summer heat to pour through the parted curtains.

The realization struck her like a bolt of lightning; Had he gotten in through the window? 

No, wait - that was impossible. She lived on the top floor of a fourteen-story building. There was no way this man - or any man, for that matter - would have been able to attempt that climb and survive it. Much less succeed in finishing it. 

The only reasonable explanation was the front door. So, she must have forgotten to lock it. Though, she could have sworn that she remembered checking the locks before going to bed last night...

The stranger grabbed her by the shoulder now, digits curling. Her skin went taut over her bones from the fear to overtake her very being.

Inhaling a petrified breath through her nose, the young artist squeezed her eyes shut. This was the moment she - as a woman, had feared the most. Her body was going to get taken advantage of. This terrible man was going to hurt her; torture her. Perhaps even murder her.

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