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"Are these an absolute must?"

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"Are these an absolute must?"

KURAMA'S question to y/n was a quiet sigh of exasperation amongst the chatter bubbling inside the fast food restaurant she had taken him to.

After they had both taken quick, separate showers and made sure that Naruto's body was once again properly dressed in a pair of loose jeans and a simple white t-shirt, the artist and the fox had ventured out into the blazing summer heat in search of some food to fill their demanding stomachs with.

Kurama was absolutely starving after the entire sex ordeal Naruto had pushed his own body through. Being in control of it for once, the grumbling the beast had encountered inside his stomach was ceaseless and nearly on the verge of becoming painful. He needed food to fill the echoing emptiness. Stat.

y/n wasn't doing any better. So, after discovering that her refrigerator was completely empty - Naruto had eaten every last bit of the 'good' food, damn him - she had cautiously proposed the idea of finding a bite to eat outside to the moody fox, instead.

And that was how the poor, frightened girl had wound up sharing a booth of the local McDonald's with the Nine-Tails - the one and only Kyūbi that Saturday morning.

To say that she was absolutely petrified would be an understatement. Besides the fact that the refrigerator was as empty as her stomach, it was her fear that served as the main reason for venturing outside in the first place.

Watching him push the signature pair of Ray-Ban sunglasses up the bridge of his vessel's nose with a displeased frown, y/n could just barely keep her expression blank as she stared, and stared, and stared.
Not grimacing in absolute horror was a challenge - crying out an even bigger one. Still, she kept quiet. Somehow.

Why? There were people surrounding them. Quite a number of them; completely oblivious to the fact that there was a savage demon sitting among them. And thank the Heavens above for that!

There was less of a chance that Kurama would swallow her whole with those sharp canine teeth if they were amongst other people, after all.

Said fiend looked up at her now, his carmine eyes hidden behind the sleek sunglasses. Despite the fact that the dark glass blocked his feverish stare, the poor girl still felt its burn as she swallowed thickly at the question that remained hanging in the air.

Kurama looked at her, expression expectant. Waited in calm silence, because he knew that that would drag the answer out of her sooner or later.

Absolutely outside of her comfort zone and nibbling on her bottom lip without rest because of it, y/n finally managed to voice a feeble, "I'm sorry, but yes."
She was nervous, and she knew that he knew. The knowledge only made it worse.

His answer was quick, though, "Well, I detest them."

She sighed. "I know, I'm sorry."

Kurama's frown deepened at her never-ending apologies. The weight of the weird, pitch-black plastic pressing on top of his ears was faint, albeit aggravating; considering that neither he, nor Naruto were individuals who'd be used to wearing glasses.

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