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Jale stood at the mouth of the cave that was cut into the side of the cliff. It was about twenty feet higher than the remainder of the camp, providing a clear view of the entire prisoner living area.

Strategically placed lookout towers stood empty. The Emperor's flags that should have been flying, were missing from view. Only a small handful of tents remained, their material flapping in the wind. Inside, they were empty or with their contents discarded in the dust outside. Bedding, chairs, cups and clothing were scattered across the ground.

The path that led to the mine was deserted and silent. Nonetheless, soldiers had been sent down the path to ensure that no one was hiding in the mine in case they planned to spring a surprise attack on Jale and his men.

Jale shook his head. Six weeks on the road since leaving Dalenia and all for this. Nothing.

Jale had come expecting a fight and now, Prince Tolder wasn't even here.


A large group like that could not travel without being seen however. It would be easy to track them, even if it did take another week or two. Prince Tolder was not going to get away unscathed. He was sick of this man hanging over their heads.

Jale turned and examined the inside of the cave. It wasn't a large or deep cave from a quick assessment, so he would explore how far it went in a moment. There was a table, chair and a chest, and along one wall, a sleeping pallet that required his attention first. It looked like a commanding officer's quarters. It would make sense for someone in charge to have a more comfortable living arrangement.

What nonsense had Prince Tolder filled this commanding officer's head to have him betray the Emperor? He stepped further into the cave and to the table, spying parchments lying on its surface. Curious, he picked up several pieces and studied the pictures that appeared to be roughly drawn maps.

He heard footsteps approach and he turned to see Satner walking through the entrance of the cave.

"There's no one here," Satner stated. "The mine is empty. It looks like the prisoners including the Emperor's soldiers have all deserted the camp knowing that we were on our way."

Jale swore under his breath. He didn't need confirmation of what he already knew. He continued to flick through the parchments and let Satner wait in silence. Jale stopped on one parchment in particular and passed it over to Satner, finally making eye contact.

"It could be a ruse to send us in the wrong direction, but what do you think?" Jale asked.

Satner took the parchment and studied the map. "Why would they go to the Keglar Kingdom?" he asked in amazement.

Jale shrugged. "Maybe they've made a deal. I don't like it. Is someone trying to build their armies against the Empire or are they just giving them safe haven?"

Satner shook his head. "I don't know. What are the other parchments?" he asked, nodding towards the pile in Jale's hand.

"I think they outline the best path to reach the Keglar Kingdom. It's a two-month journey, but if you were a prisoner and you were told you would be a free man, you would do it, wouldn't you?"

"Absolutely," Satner told him. He turned and gazed at the rest of the cave's contents just like Jale had done before."

"Any news on whether Prince Salren has arrived yet?" Jale asked.

"No," Satner responded. "The soldiers that we sent have not returned. Prince Salren and his men must have been held up by something on their way."

Jale pursed his lips, deciding to keep his suspicions to himself. He could not let his own prejudices for the man affect his decision-making at this time, and Prince Salren had only been amicable since the Emperor's departure.

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