When You Can Look Me In The Eyes

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Jale liked Teal. He liked that Teal was invested. The next day, during their second session on palace life, Jale focused on the people who resided in the palace, those of the Emperor's court, and guests that Teal would most likely encounter when Emperor Rathner entertained. He also lectured on the arts of how to behave depending on the situation and the people present. The entire time that he was talking, Jale could tell that Teal's attention did not waver. Teal asked a continuous stream of questions that showed a curious and potentially studious mind.

Jale also liked Teal's hair, not styled or trimmed like those in the capital. Instead, it was unkempt wild hair that Jale had ordered the eunuch not to touch. It did not matter that it hung past the nape of Teal's neck and large locks of silver hung over his eyes, it always remained silky and vibrant. Jale had to admit he had also been pleased to see that the silver shiny hair and black streaks could not only be found on top of Teal's head as well. A delightful surprise indeed.

But what Jale liked the most, was the times when Teal didn't think anyone was watching him. Jale had followed him from a distance and had seen when Teal's body was relaxed from his nervous state. His body moved with fluidity and grace as if there was a hidden power underneath his skin just waiting to reveal itself and pounce. It reminded Jale of something, but he couldn't put his finger on what it was.

He shrugged. He was sure it would come to him later.

Jale blinked. He didn't know how long his thoughts had wandered. They had paused in their conversation to have a drink of water. The day was a warm one.

Jale continued with his lesson, placing his cup on the table beside him.

"Just remember, if you are ever in the presence of the Grand Council, military leaders, the Emperor's law makers, or the Emperor's official criticizers, you are to adhere to the strictest of protocols and rules. Your focus is the Emperor at all times and in public settings, being the lowest in rank, you are to follow all of the other consorts' leads. You should only speak when spoken to by the Emperor, and you should keep your opinions to yourself at all times."

They were disturbed by a knock on the door. It opened and a eunuch silently entered, clothes in his hands.

"Aah, right on time," Jale said. "Here is another set of clothes for you to wear today."

"Really? But I just had new ones yesterday!" Teal remarked.

"Yes, and these new ones you can wear today when you dine with the Emperor alone."

"When I...?!"

Jale chuckled. "Yes, you're to eat with the Emperor by yourself today. Get dressed."

Teal quickly obeyed, and Jale caught the slight shake in Teal's hands.

"How will I know if the Emperor wishes to see me when we're back at the palace?"

This was another reason why Jale liked Teal. Even though he was worried about his first solo attendance with the Emperor, he was not afraid to keep asking questions.

"Tradition states that once you have passed your monthly health checks, you will swear your loyalty which will be followed by the first obligatory bedding."

"What about after I swear my loyalty?" Teal asked, buttoning up the dark blue vest he had put on.

Jale rose to his feet and helped straighten the material over the top of Teal's shoulders, waving off the eunuch who had also attempted to do so.

"In the usual swing of things at the palace, the Emperor informs me of who he wishes in his bed chamber when he breaks his fast. Once I know who the Emperor wishes for, I will then go to the consort desired and inform them personally."

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