When Powers Collide

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Princess Estina stood in the middle of the dirt road. Long grass surrounded either side of her for before the forest began in both directions. It was the only main road that Prince Yernal could use to reach Cardon where he could access the barge that would take his carriages and entourage to the other side of the river to the Keglar Kingdom. It was late afternoon, and if Menelt's man was right, they would intercept Prince Yernal shortly.

Her heart hammered in her chest and her mouth was dry. Princess Estina had not seen anyone from her family since she had decided to band with Menelt so she wouldn't be sent off to Old Tehlea Lake to be betrothed. It had been a daring and dangerous decision but fortunately the right one.

To risk everything, her future, her life, to this group of mountain clansmen. It was hard to believe she had the courage to do so, and she couldn't believe what she had proposed only two hours earlier. She owed it to them though to give them a chance to get the mountains back. Not only had Prince Alain and herself been hunted to be returned to the Kingdom capital, but Menelt and his men had all received prices on their heads for kidnapping.

Kidnapping! She scoffed.

Princess Estina turned slowly and swung her arms, trying to keep her nerves at bay. She was not alone. Only a short distance away, the grass was filled with Menelt and his men along with her old personal guard, Clagen who had transformed himself as much as her. Prince Alain and Ardena had stayed behind. The Prince's health was deteriorating and by any means, not fit to fight. She still hadn't discussed her plan with him, but she was sure he would see it as beneficial.

Around the corner, Princess Estina saw the first of Prince Yernal's guards emerge. With one last deep breath, she braced herself and stood strongly in the middle of the path.

"Eh, eh, eh, what do we have here?" one of the guards asked with a loud chuckle. "Are you planning to rob us or planning to offer your services?" The men around the soldier laughed.

"I know what I'd want," another guard heckled.

Princess Estina ignored their lewd comments and instead, held up her hand to show her royal signet, the first time she had worn it since running away two years ago.

"Neither," she said authoritatively. "Inform my brother, Prince Yernal, that his sister, Princess Estina, demands his immediate presence. He'll recognize me to know that I speak the truth."

The group of guards fell quiet, their rude attitudes disappearing. The leading guard who had heckled her, signaled to a man behind him. With his eyes still on Princess Estina he said, "Inform Prince Yernal now."

"I don't know if Prince Yernal will have the time to meet with you at present," the lead soldier informed her once the man had left to find Prince Yernal. "He is in a bit of a rush."

Princess Estina kept her face neutral, but she was puzzled by the sudden worried looks on the soldiers' faces.

"He returns for my father's funeral?" she asked.

"Yes," another soldier replied, although there was a hint in his tone that there was more to that comment.

They both heard a horse cantering to the front of the line, and Princess Estina's eyes fell on her brother. In the past two years, nothing had changed. He was only thirty-two and was still strong and good looking. Yet, he kept that arrogant stance and sinister look in the corner of his eye. He gazed at her with contempt and impatience. She knew he wouldn't be pleased to see her.

"So, you've reappeared, have you? Been hiding in the squalor pit that is this Empire," Prince Yernal asked scornfully. "What do you want?"

"I think it is time that we have an important conversation. Our father's death is sure to lead to much disruption in the court," Princess Estina began.

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