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Jale drummed his fingers along the wall as he walked away from Teal's room. One of the guards accompanying him coughed, and he glanced over his shoulder. It had taken him a long time to become used to the fact that he would be escorted on such matters. He clenched his fist that bore his soldier tattoo, rightfully earned, and he remembered vividly the initial insult that he had taken in those guards' presence.

Some would say it was merely tradition for anyone who was anyone knew that Jale was more than a significant threat with a sword in his hand. It had taken a long time for him to see it for what it was; a compliment of the highest degree. It was the highest possible indication of the value the Emperor put on his life.

The Emperor's actions were a bit of a contradiction considering he now wanted a Lombock to reside at the palace, Jale mused. Why have guards follow and protect him when if the legends were true, no one would stand a good chance of survival against a Lombock?

Jale stopped in his tracks, deep in thought, although he was aware of the two men behind him stopping as well.

Maybe it wasn't a contradiction after all. And maybe it wasn't a hint of the rebelliousness that had been very much part of the Emperor when he had been younger, when Jale had first met him.

In those days, the Emperor had always been one to enjoy breaking and stretching the rules, taking risks and seeing how far he could push his elders. That's what the Emperor's official criticizer's would say he was doing. Even the imperial council and his mother, the Empress Dowager, were going to have an issue with this.

Jale could understand wanting Teal for his capabilities, but the Purple Jade Palace? It had been a long time, four summers in fact, since Emperor Rathner had taken a new concubine to reside in his harem. The Emperor was known for his selectiveness regarding those who shared his bed, so when he had called him aside and had asked him to proposition Teal, Jale had been surprised.

But then, seeing Teal in his mind's eye, he could see why the Emperor was so besotted.

Jale frowned and started to walk again. All the tales Jale knew regarding The Lombock race had depicted them as monsters. No doubt Teal was of Lombock descent. He had all the defining features. But despite the odd coloring in Teal's eyes and hair, there was a naivety and confidence that was completely opposite to what those tales suggested.

He was handsome with symmetrical features, high cheekbones, strong jaw and shapely brows, and a strong muscular body framed with manly hair. Jale let out his breath slowly as he came to a stop outside the Emperor's cabin. Teal did not only satisfy the Emperor's tastes. They also satisfied his own.

Jale shook his head, clearing his thoughts. Professionalism and assiduousness. Jale would not have time to think of his desires. Back in that small room, there was an innocent young man who would need to be cultivated and educated if he decided to begin a life at the palace. He had been through the process himself having made the transition from soldier to the Emperor's personal adviser, and it would be his job to do the same for Teal.

Jale reconsidered the Emperor's reasoning. His wayward thoughts had allowed him to come up with the most plausible reason for why the Emperor had asked Teal to enter the Purple Jade Palace, and it had nothing to do with sharing his bed.

Without knocking, Jale opened the door to the Emperor's cabin. The room was empty of people. He continued across the small space to another door that led out onto a deck at the stern of the ship.

"How is our guest?" the Emperor asked as soon as his eyes fell on Jale.

"Overwhelmed but comfortable," Jale said, walking towards him. He took the Emperor's hand and kissed it, his lips lingering at the feel of his skin. Their eyes locked and the Emperor smiled warmly. Jale returned the smile before he dropped his hand and accepted a cup of wine from a servant.

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