Chapter 53: Fairytale

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Twins--- twice the joy, twice the love, and twice the fun (or, in the case of the Brandon twins, twice the mischief). The twin's birthday celebration was as fabulous as one could expect with the King as a grandfather. Since they were turning two, His Majesty ordered two of everything. Each guest got four slabs of ribs instead of the usual two, two roasted chicken, two baked potatoes, twice the vegetables, twice the fruit, two of the King's specially grown pears, two bottles of finely aged wine, two mini petite cakes, and it went on and on. It made the King's Court wonder what it would be like if His Majesty ever had a son.

In the gardens, standing around the guests, Charles took the time to whisper to his wife. "Well, he did it. I didn't think it was possible, but he outdid our birthday celebration from last year." His eyes took in the massive table of sweets which had double the amount of everything. He smiled at the passersby.

Smiling a beautiful smile at the gentry of the court, Mary agreed with him. In hushed tones, by his side, she spoke. "It's ostentatious, this whole thing. The boys will be so spoiled and expect this every year, which they won't get from us." To be honest, she cannot remember one of her younger birthdays being this elaborate and so celebrated. But then she's just a Princess, not the long-awaited Prince.

As her sharp eyes surveyed the scene, she noticed her father had not released his hold on his grandsons since they had come outside. And for their part, William and Owen did not want him to put them down. It's rather odd to see him holding the boys in such a fashion and doting on them, especially since his two-year-old daughter is outdoors also. So while her husband had Gillian, Mary went to claim her sister. 

The little girl can always be found attached to Dot's side. She loves Dot, and who wouldn't? Dot is full of fun and kindness. It makes her wonder when her friend will have her own child. Standing beside the pair of them, she asked, "Isn't this whole thing a disturbing display of wealth?"

Nearly laughing, Dot responded, "Yes. But he's their grandfather. Let him do what grandparents love to do: spoil their grandchildren rotten. At least he shows interest in them. Unlike this little one in my arms." Her eyes looked down at the child, who was content to be held by her or anyone who shows affection.

Mary stroked her sister's back in a soothing manner. Today the little girl wore a specially chosen pretty red, embroidered silk dress. The sweet toddler looks adorable in it. Holding her arms out, Her Highness spoke to her. "Liz, let's go stand with Dad." As Elizabeth went to her "mother," her face brightened knowing she would get to be her Daddy. All of the children love Charles. It's very endearing.

As she carried Liz, which she's taken to call her, people eyed the pair. Some eyes were friendly, but others were cold and cruel-looking. She paid them no mind. When she reclaimed her spot by her husband, who talked with the Count of Newcastle, he stopped and greeted his "daughter." "Why hello, Buttercup? I haven't seen you since this morning." He kissed her cheek. His words made Elizabeth grin a toothy grin, which is hilarious because she only has two front teeth. They're eagerly waiting for the others to grow in.

The loving couple traded children. Mary took Gillian, and he took Liz. Once he finished his conversation with the Count, he made his rounds with other members of the Royal Court. All the while, Elizabeth was either in his arms or at his side. Her strawberry blonde hair shined in the sunlight. He is unashamed to show her off, unlike her actual father.  This makes his wife swoon just a little more every time he does so.

As the afternoon wore on, the Majestic Menagerie performed. The twins could be seen clapping, laughing, and enjoying themselves--- all the great pleasure of their grandfather. When the Bengal tiger came out, Owen got scared and jumped off his grandfather's lap. He ran crying "Mama! Mama!" until he made it safely into her arms. Finally, she gets to hold one of her birthday boys. However, after the fierce tiger went away, he got down from her lap and returned to his "Papa." She shifted her sad face to Charles. "He left me for my father. I feel so cheap," she told him.

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