Bonus Chapter: Xavier's Beauty

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I couldn't help but but find the woman sitting in front of the lake a haunting memory. She looked like my mate, but she was different. Her features were similar but contrasting. Her hair was a different colour, her lips were much more pouty, they looked like soft pillows, ones that I wanted to bite until they were red. Her figure was much more mature that my mate, her curves were much more rounder. I couldn't help but feel my heart beat in my chest, it was hammering hard. My reaction to her was something that I couldn't quite understand, I hadn't had this type of response to any female other than my mate. 

It can't possibly be her? She doesn't smell like my mate, she smells sweet, pure, innocent. Everything that woman wasn't. I couldn't help the words that tumbled out of my mouth. "Leanne?" My tone was a mixture filled with agony, longing and anger. I couldn't quite understand my response to the woman in front of me. I can't help the words that tumble out of my mouth. The sarcasm, the pain, the anger just roll out. "It's like I've gone back in time."

"Do I know you?" The beauty in front of me questions. 

I can't help but feel anger at her response. She should know who her mate is, regardless of what has happened. I couldn't understand how she could forget me so easily. "You should know your mate."

She snaps her gaze to mine and her eyes focus on me. I see her eyes wonder up and down, appraising me like I am some piece of art. I'm something different, something unknown in front of her. Normally when females looked at me, they swarmed to me like I was the fire and they were moth. But the beauty in front of me did the complete opposite. She rolled her eyes in the back of her head and scoffed like she was disgusted at me.

It's then that she speaks words that shock me to the chore. "Ah you must be talking about my sister."

Sister? She's Leanne's sister. I can't help but want to throttle her, not wanting to fall for one of Leanne's lies. "Sister? Leanne don't play me for a fool like you have done all these years." I angrily replied.

 "Sorry to disappoint you, but you are talking about my twin sister. I'm Louise, well I go by Loretta now." She responds without a care in the world as she shrugs her shoulders. Dismissing me like I am a piece of crap on her shoe. 

"Stop lying to me! That's all you have ever done to me! Is lie and cheat! What did I do to deserve this Leanne! You got our son killed!" I shouted.

She peeked one of her eyes open and she shakes her head. It's like she is dismissing me and I can't help but feel my blood boil. "Listen, I am her twin sister Loretta, sniff me, touch me and you will soon see that I am not Leanne. Just because I look like that bitch does not mean I am her." She snarls at me.

I rush up to her and I feel my nose flare with anger, I stare to inhale her scent. Not a lingering smell of another male, but the smell of fresh Cotten and daffodils fill my nose. I can't help but feel my face contort in different shapes. A part of me wants to run my hands down her silky skin. My hands itching to touch her. She shouts "Touch me, go on, you won't feel any sparks. I am not my sister." It's then that I grab her wrist and her skin is everything I imagined it to be, except there are no sparks. My hardened fingertips just make her seem softer. 

"Your really not Leanne." I murmured.

"Nope and thank fuck for that. It's bad enough that I share her DNA and look like her." She shudders. "She told me her twin died." I whispered quietly.

"My sister is a pathological liar. So I wouldn't be surprised." She exhale deeply. "So what did she do to cause her own mate to hate her."

"You don't sound surprised that I hate your sister?" I questioned. 

"Why would I be surprised? She's an evil bitch. The first time I see her in eight years and she literally tried to murder me." She shake my head.

"Your sister got my son killed." My voice is hoarse filled with pain as I think about the son that I never got to hold.

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