The Grand Council Of Elders

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There was this somber feeling that tainted the environment of the pack today. Benji had revealed to me that Jacob had reported himself and Leanne to the Elders. I was shocked by his actions and I could feel the anticipation boil. I knew that I would be questioned, I knew that my dirty laundry would be aired when I preferred for it to be ignored, like I had been doing for the last eight years. 

I couldn't understand his reasoning for reporting himself. It was unheard of and with his cowardly actions I would have never imagined him taking such drastic actions. No one had seen Jacob all morning, he had disappeared into what was left of the forest. I was sat on one of the chairs on the back of the patio. Fortunately, the company wasn't bad but I could feel and see the tension on their face. 

Lewis was sat in a chair with Benji next to him, his hand tightly wound round his, while Benji made soft circular movements with his thumb. Jean was nestled into Tyler's lap, his head was in the crook of her neck, inhaling her scent like it was the air he was breathing. There was something romantic about mates, when I looked at them there was this underlying jealously that lingered below the surface. I was robbed of this feeling, I had never had the chance to be embraced and cherished by my mate. Even though I was independent, when I was a child I couldn't help but dream of my mate, thinking he would be my saviour. In my story there was no knight in shining armour. 

I saw Lewis and Tyler's eyes darken, their iris' both widened and became black as the night sky. "They're here." Tyler growled as he tightly wound his arms around Jean. He quickly pecked her lips and picked her up and put her in his chair. Lewis looked at Benji and gave him a quick kiss on the head. Both of them straightened their posture and walked to the front of the house. 

Benji and Jean gave each other a look, both of them had built a good relationship since our arrival. It was nice to see Benji have someone else in his life that cared for him. Jean was nothing but a sweetheart, she was a good mate and an even better Gamma female. 

"Should we join them?" Jean murmured. Benji looked to me for guidance as if I had any knowledge of what to do. I understood why he looked at me for I was more experienced but I had never been in this situation and from the way Jean was acting she was in the same boat. 

"Come on, what harm is it going to do? I'm intrigued by what is going to happen." I said with a shrug of my shoulders as I pushed myself up from the garden chair. I didn't even turn around to see if they followed me, for I could hear the clatter of their feet make their way in the same direction through the pack house. 

I opened the front door and there was already a crowd, both Lewis and Tyler were stood front and centre. My mother and father were at the edge of the crowd. My mother was still whimpering clinging to my father and pulling his sleeve. I could see that she was desperate for him to respond, to interfere but all he did was ignore her with his brow furrowing in irritation. I remember that look, he used to give it to me whenever I made my presence known in our family home. 

Both Benji and Jean were stood behind me, I whispered loud enough for them to hear. "Go stand by your mates, support them. They need you as a united front." I ordered. Both Benji and Jean gave me a curt nod and quickly made their way to the front of the crowd, standing next to their retrospective mates. Both grabbed a hand, both Lewis and Tyler's shoulders slightly sagged at their comfort and support. 

My gaze lingered and search the crowd and tree's for Jacob, but he was still no where to be seen.  All that was unusual was the Two elders that stood front and centre. The power they omitted was something I had never experienced, it was both powerful and calming at the same time. There was this sense of control but it was orderly. I could feel my wolf immediately submit to the two powerful people in front of the pack house. 

Both were male wolves with grey hair. One of them had this light thin grey hair that was swept back, the other had this dark grey hair that was cut short. Both were standing straight and wearing identical suits that was embellished with a badge. The sign was well known amongst our people, it was the insignia of the Council. 

"Hello, my name is Elder Reece Manning and this is my colleague Elder Robert Richmonds." He gestured with his hand. His voice was strong and unwavering, he was confident with his words. I saw many pack members bow their heads. I simply stood by the doorway leaning against the frame with my arms folded. 

"Welcome to the Redbridge territory Elders, I am Beta Lewis and this is Gamma Tyler." Lewis responded with a small bow of respect. 

"It is nice to meet you both, may I ask where Alpha Jacob is?" Elder Robert questioned with a raised eyebrow. 

There was silence amongst the pack, not a whisper could heard. I could smell the fear in the air, I could tell that no one wanted to cross their paths for they were powerful wolves. They held a position of power that was above an Alpha. It wasn't before long that a bellowing voice came from the forest. "I am here Elder Robert, Elder Reece."

Jacob came racing through the bushes with wilted leaves that brushed past his thighs. He was wearing a simple white shirt with some beige pants. His muscles were bursting through both pieces of clothing and subconsciously I couldn't help but lick my lips. I shook my head from the lewd thoughts that my wolf was flicking through my mind. My gaze followed Jacob's movements where he made his way to stand in front of his Beta and Gamma. 

"Ah Alpha Jacob." Elder Reece responded. "The council received your call. I must say it was very unexpected and unusual. Never had an Alpha reported his own crimes before." He finished in a clipped tone. 

Jacob simply hung his head low, I could feel his shame and regret flow through the broken bond that we shared. I know his actions were late but for him to report himself to the Elder's showed his courage and his acceptance to the mistakes he had made. I still didn't know how to react but I could see that he was trying to do better, and be better. Whether it was too late, time could only tell. 

"Indeed Elders, I have made many mistakes and I believe it is only fair that I am finally held accountable for the decisions and choices I have made." He sighed out. 

I could see many members of the pack hold each other's hands, all of them were offering some type of comfort to one another. There were some gasps at his words, for it was shocking to see an Alpha admit their own mistakes and faults. Alpha's were known to be filled with pride and their ego's were often too large and overbearing. For a pack to see their Alpha admit his crimes for all to see, to see an Alpha become so humble was a sight to behold. The Elders were right for his actions were unusual and the first of it's kind. 

"Very well Alpha Jacob. Due to the crimes that have been reported we have been sent here to investigate and hold a trial. The trial will look at those involved in the crimes that have been committed in this pack. The crimes are: The rejection of the Redbridge's true Luna; An illegal war with rogue wolves that have resulted in unnecessary and unwarranted deaths; The interference of a mate bond and finally the mistreatment of a minor wolf." Elder Reece announced. 

"Do you accept the charges that have been presented to you as a pack?" Elder Robert questioned. 

"The charges have been accepted on behalf of the Redbridge Pack." Alpha Jacob confirms. All I can do is hang my mouth open at what is happening in front of me. 

"Very well then. The trial will begin at 12pm today where every pack member will be present. The witnesses will be called then." Elder Reece replies. 

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