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There were many things that I hated about being a werewolf. The first was clearly the mate bond. I could happily live without that. The second was hiding a part of yourself from the world, even if that part of me had disappeared. Finally, the worst was I hated how difficult it was for me to get drunk and forget my worries.

Despite sitting in the bar all afternoon, chugging the best bottle of whiskey I could find. I was still sober. While Benji slurred and stuttered incoherent sentences. He wasn't unpleasant to be around. I had seen many bad drunks, but being the sober one, well, that's no fun at all.

It was then that I took Benji to my inner sanctum. Although he knew where I lived and had lingered in the entranceway to my penthouse. He never once entered. He was a good man who respected my privacy. Samuel wasn't at the door, but James was still in the lobby. He was lingering in the lobby like an unpleasant smell.

I linked my arm through Benji's and strode across the lobby like I owned the place. I saw James' eyes fall on the man that was conjoined to my hip. His eyes had widened in shock and there was a sharp look that fell across his face. All I could do was smirk. He was jealous and as long as he said nothing to harm my friend, I would let him live.

We made our way to the elevator when I could hear James' faint footsteps behind me. I knew his intentions were to engage in another meaningless conversation. Honestly, all I wanted was for him to leave me alone. There was no interest in his incandescent babble. My patience was wearing thin today.

"Miss Romano! Good evening!" James said as he scurried along to stand next to my side. I could hear the intake of his breath from making fast movements to catch up with me.

"James.'" I curtly nodded my head. My gaze did not waver from the elevator that was within my grasp.

"How was your evening? Is there anything you need for you and your gentleman friend?" He asked. I could hear the distaste that lingered in his voice when he mentioned Benji. Benji was just following my lead. I could feel his body sway. I was afraid that if I let go of him he would tumble onto the floor.

"No, James, we are fine." I sighed, then my pursed my lips. James coughed, but again, I refused to meet his gaze. I didn't want to encourage his behaviour. He was already doing that enough. So I just continued my walk, and as I reached the elevator, I clicked the button. "Is that all? We must be on our way, James'. Busy evening and all." I said with a smirk.

"No, nothing else, Miss Romano." He gritted his teeth and strode away from the elevator.

The elevator dinged, the doors swung open, and I pushed Benji in the lift. His body still swaying like he was dancing to some rhythm that was singing in his head. He was good company, sober or drunk. It was something I admired about him. When I was a teenager and my sister done something and blamed me, I would remember my parents drinking a mixture of alcohol with wolfsbane. They would scream and shout about the embarrassment I had caused my family. All they would do was shame me and Leanne would sit in the corner, smirking about what had happened.

"Loretta... why does it feel like I am flying?" Benji slurred as he slumped against the wall. All I could do was laugh at his response.

"You are flying Benji, you are going up, up and away to my penthouse." I chuckled as I leaned against the opposite wall and folded my arms.

"To infinity and beyond!" Benji shouted as he tried taking a firm stance and posed in a Buzz Lightyear pose.

Again, I chuckled at his appearance. He was like an excitable puppy. Jumping up and down filled with enthusiasm. "Are you really taking me to your secret lair?" He whispered.

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