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I laid in bed for hours, my mind was empty but my thoughts kept racing. I don't know how much time had past but I was happy being locked away in my room away from the whispers, away from the pity glances, away from the rumours. Although Jacob had told the truth to his pack, he still limited his involvement, he still minimised his faults. He had used Leanna as a scapegoat. Even if she was the instigator, he was still responsible for his decisions. He could have ordered Leanne to tell the truth years ago. I shook my head in disappointment, I clenched my fist in anger. 

It wasn't long before I was snapped from my thoughts as there was a knock on my door. A part of me wanted to ignore whoever it was but once I sniffed the air, I knew it was someone I couldn't ignore. He didn't deserve my cold shoulder, he had been there for me through all the pain even if he didn't know I was suffering. 

"Come in." I shouted. 

Benji strolled in, I looked at him and he was dressed in a baggy white shirt and some jogging bottoms. He was barefoot and he had a forlorn look on his face. He looked at me with sympathy and pain, I pulled back the bed sheets and it wasn't long before he crawled in and sat upright leaning against the headboard and pulled me to his side. It was then that the tears flowed out my eyes. I was silent in my pain as the rivers flowed down my cheeks. I had mastered the years of crying without a whisper. Years I had spent hiding my pain from my parents, my sister and my pack. 

"Babe, I'm so sorry." He whispers into my head as he gives me a soft kiss in my hair. "I can't imagine what you have gone through. I mean what I feel towards Lewis." He softly shakes his head. "How can anyone ignore that? I'm human and even I can't imagine the pain of being away from him. What have you been through sis?" He rhetorically asked.

There was no words to answer his question. For losing my wolf for years she had taken the pain away from me, however the pain of losing my wolf was something that I couldn't handle. It felt like a part of me was missing. I lost my mate and a part of my identity. I spent countless days crying over the loss of everything. Never would I expected to have this conversation with Benji and never would I have expected him to comprehend the meaning of mates. He was fortunate that his mate respected the bond. He would never feel the pain that I did but he can understand how difficult it is to ignore the pull. He will have some knowledge and some understanding. 

"Do you want to know what happened after you left? I mean to be honest I thought the highlight would have been you knocking your sister out, but it was like a soap opera after you left." He let out a light chuckle. 

A part of me wanted to answer him but the words were just stuck in my throat. Of course I wanted to know what happened but equally I just couldn't take the pain anymore. This place brought me nothing but hurt, watching my mother break down as she watched my sister's lies come to the surface, never once did she show me this type of pain for my sorrow. Jacob had admitted to me in the elevator that they didn't even realise I was gone. Why did she feel no bond towards me? Was I that much of a disappointment to her? All I could do was nod in response to Benji's question. 

"Well after you left your mother had a breakdown, she was just crying while your father officially disowned her as a daughter. Your mother begged him to do something to save her and he just shook his head at her and told her that she was disgusting as a mother. Your father then took to the stage and admitted what they had done, that they had abused and neglected you for the actions of Leanne. They admitted that you had tried to tell the truth and that they didn't believe you, nor did they investigate. Well as you can imagine, the pack members were in uproar." He shook his head in disbelief. 

"Then, well Jacob did the unexpected. He admitted his faults as an Alpha, he told them that when Leanne's pup was born that he knew it wasn't his child. He told them he had lied to them in hopes of reuniting the pack and that his judgement was wrong. He confirmed that he started a war with the Alpha of the Rogues who had tried to reform the pack of their illegal actions but he was too butt sore to stop the fighting. He said he needed someone to blame." Benji sighed out. 

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