Queen of New York City

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Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

My eyes squinted together, wanting to ignore the incandescent ring of my alarm clock. My arm stretched out to turn it off. I laid in the soft silk emerald sheets that clung to my body, wrapping me in its tight embrace. The peacefulness of my morning enhanced as the sun's warm rays entered my room through the opened bay window shutters.

I lifted myself up onto my elbows and took a quick glance around the room to get my bearings. The bed in my room that I absolutely love is a cream-colored four poster, and it's placed in the center of the room. In keeping with the art déco theme of my room, I adorned the floor with a soft sheep-skin rug. The mirrored dresser and bedside cabinets were so clean that they looked brand new, without a speck of dirt or dust. Embellished mirrors on the wall added a touch of elegance and sophistication to the walk-in wardrobe, making any woman envious. As soon as she walked in, she could tell that this wardrobe was different to others she had seen - it had a collection of designs that only the most elite could afford.

Over the past eight years, I've risen to become the most powerful woman in New York, leveraging my career and founding a media outlet that uses social media to ensure my influence reaches a global audience. Sweat and tears went into ensuring that I was successful. Everyone thought I would fail, but I passed their expectations. Those who once looked at me in disgust and pity now feared and cowered away.

I sighed in contentment as I pushed myself from the bed. My home was something that was protected from outsiders, only a select few knew my residence. My penthouse comprised two bedrooms with an open plan living space and balcony which surrounded it, offering me a panoramic view of New York City. I picked up my phone and made my way into the kitchen as I called my assistant, Benjamin.

The living space was a showcase of elegance, with extravagant art pieces and plush furnishings that created a warm and inviting atmosphere. There was a large sofa and a television. I never watched the television, but my interior designer insisted on it, advising me that guests may find enjoyment in it, scoffing at her thought process. There had never been guests in my apartment. I rarely watched the television, mostly serving as a source of white noise to drown out the emptiness of the apartment.

The sound of my phone ringing followed me into the kitchen, where I admired the sleek design of the white countertops and marble. It was minimalist and clean, just the way I liked the kitchen. Although I had wealth, I preferred to cook and clean for myself. It felt like a pointless expense to pay for something I had already invested so much time and effort in. I reached the coffee machine, grabbing my mug along the way and pressed the button for my six o'clock coffee. Finally, the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air. The ringing phone finally stopped, and my assistant's voice filled the room.

"Good morning Miss Romano." Benjamin spoke.

"Good morning Ben, I need you to run through my schedule for the day." I replied.

"Of course, well, you have a late morning meeting with Unity Enterprises and then a fitting with Versace for the Met Gala. Donatella said she'll be there and can reschedule the fitting if necessary. She said as long as it is before the 30th April, then your outfit will be complete. She also booked in another fitting on the 13th of May, the day before the gala to ensure the fit is perfect."

"That is fine. Could you pick up that pizza from Brooklyn that Donatella likes so much?" I asked, knowing full well he would do what I asked. I would always love Donatella for she made me the stylish person who I am today. So representing her label as well as enjoying a meal with her is something that I would always make time for.

"Of course Miss Romano. Is there anything else you need?" Benjamin asked.

"Yes, why do I have a meeting with Unity Enterprises? What do they want?" I questioned.

"Well Miss Romano, it is uncertain what they want because they have refused to give any details other than they have a proposal." He replied.

"Hmmm. What is the proposal?" There was something unsettling about Unity Enterprises. I don't know why I got this sense of familiarity when Benjamin spoke of them.

"Again, it was unknown. They refused to provide details with anyone but you. However, I asked Roger to look into it and he advised they are looking for an investment and they have been trying to get a meeting with you for the last six months." Benjamin stated.

"Hmmm. What time is the meeting?"

"10 am Miss Romano." He quickly replied.

I calculated that if they were really in need of my presence, they would take the appointment, so I instructed my assistant to call and inform to move the meeting to 8am at the Woolworth Building. I knew that if it was any other CEO that they would just rearrange the appointment for another day, but there was something unsettling about this company.

"Very well, ma'am. I will send the car to you at 7:15am." Benjamin stated.

"Thank you Ben. You need to be there as well, as I want you to be taking notes for the meeting." I instructed before I ended the call with the flick of a button.

I grabbed my coffee and made my way to the sliding doors that led to the balcony. The morning air was crisp and chilled. The coldness caressed me and little goosebumps danced across my skin. I wrapped my fingers around the warm coffee cup, feeling the heat seep through my palms as I gazed out at the New York skyline. The sun was just setting, and the golden light reflecting off the buildings made the city look magical.

I hummed as I brought my mug to my lips and let the liquid dance in my mouth. Everything I had ever wanted was in my grasp. I had the curves and the body of a goddess, my hair was now long and luscious, my skin was smooth and there was no blemish masked my face. My eyes were now hidden behind long natural lashes and my lips were full and pouty. I smirked as I thought about the eligible bachelors that fought for my attention. The gifts the men would send, the sonnets that they would spew, hoping that I would return their affections. It was far from the woman that I once was. Mirages of a lonely, thin, withering girl, with dark circles, rushed to my mind.

Chuckling, I remember all the times ignored their hungry gazes. Despite all that I have achieved and done. I was still that pathetic teenage girl that yearned for the boy made for her. The emptiness brewed inside my chest only grew over the years. Regardless of his selfish and callous behaviour, there was a small part within me that yearned for the man who betrayed me. Inhaling deeply, my eyes clenched closed, I took a moment to be thankful for the success that I had earned. Even if someone was successful, it didn't mean they were happy or felt loved. It didn't matter anymore. I accepted long ago that my world would be one without the laughter of friends or the warmth of human touch.

Edited 07/08/2022

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