It's Just Business

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Since becoming one of the most formidable business women of New York City, did I ever expect to see Jacob Warner standing in my doorway as a potential client? The answer is no! My heart pounded and Benjamin was sitting next to me and although I didn't address my feelings with him. I expected him to know me well enough to know that I wasn't comfortable around this man. All I wanted to do was a groan in frustration.

"Mr Warner." I nodded. "I wasn't expecting to see you so soon."

I felt the wind of Benjamin's head whip. I knew he wasn't expecting me to know who the CEO of Unity was because it was unknown to the world. His identity had been well-kept from the world. To the average human, they would believe he was doing this to maintain his privacy. However, as werewolves, we knew he kept his identity hidden to protect the pack from outsiders and to keep our secrets safe.

Roger clarified that the limited information about the CEO and higher officials made everything clear to me. It was then that I realised my past and present were colliding in ways that I couldn't imagine. My heart was pounding, and I was terrified at the prospect of having to work with these people. I knew that if I agreed to whatever deal that wanted me to would come face to face with the past that I had been avoiding.

I chuckled internally and closed my eyes at how fate was trying to screw me over again. I honestly don't know what I did to deserve this. It was then that I shook my head. Why was I panicking over a business deal that I knew I didn't need to survive? These people were desperate for my help, not the other way around.

"Miss Romano." He replied. "Pleasure to see you so soon." He said with a smirk.

What the hell was he smirking about? "Please take a seat." I gestured to the empty chair that was in front of me. "This is my soon to be Vice President Benjamin. He will sit in on the meeting."

"Nice to meet you, Sir." Ben stood and shook his hand. I could see Jacob wasn't happy about his presence during this meeting. His fist was clenching and unclenching at Ben's proximity. Did he work out who I was? I looked at the ring that was clearly stuck on my finger and sighed in relief. Despite my shared looks with my sister, I had changed my hair colour and minor works on my face to differentiate between the two of us.

"Indeed." Jacob replied coldly as he stood in his seat in the chair in front of us. "I apologise for my lateness. I was stuck in the elevator, but you already know that, don't you, Miss Romano?" He continued.

"Yes, well, it was a series of unfortunate events, wasn't it?" I smirked, knowing that he knew what I was implying. "You requested this meeting, so do you want to tell me what your proposal was?"

There was no time to delay. I refused to beat around the bush. All I desired was for him to leave my office and to never return. There was no way my past would affect my present and future. I would not allow them to mingle for much longer.

"Of course." He coughed slightly as he covered his mouth with his hand. "My business is struggling and I need help to overcome recent challenges and increase profits. I came to you wanting your help. You are the best." He explained.

"How do you know we are the best?" I hummed.

"Everyone knows you are the best. A friend of mine recommended you. He said he did business with you and his profits had doubled in the last three years." He replied.

"Who was your friend?" I asked.

"Mr Cooper." He stated.

Dammit Jared. I groaned internally. He was a neighbouring Alpha who that allied with my old pack. Jacob's pack. He was one of the few people who knew I was a werewolf. He was an intelligent man who always picked up on things that he shouldn't. I remember when I first met him and he played as stupid as a pickle. He acted like I was a human until our final meeting when we completed the deal, saying he knew I was a wolf.

It was then that he invited me to dinner. I confessed I had a wolf, but she was now gone. He asked whether I wanted to join his pack; he believed it would help her surface. However, I declined his request, explaining that I preferred my human life. Over the years, he was a close companion. We escorted each other to many high-profile events. Many believed we were together, but we both knew the truth. We both wanted someone to ward off unwanted attention from a different sex. A few years ago, he found his mate. She was insecure about our relationship because the tabloids reported we were in a long-term relationship. I couldn't blame her, so I maintained a healthy distance from them. There was no way I would be responsible for the problems between a destined pair.

He wanted to tell her about me, but I made him promise he wouldn't. There was no way I would let anyone know I was a werewolf. I didn't want people to realize my presence as a lone wolf. It would only put me more in danger. The only time we spoke was at passing events or annual business meetings as I held a ten percent stake in his business. An undescribed sense of anger boiled inside me. He knew I didn't want to be involved in the werewolf world. Mentally, I reminded myself to contact him with my complaint.

"Ahh Jared. Yes, he was one of my favourite clients." I smiled. Benjamin said nothing, he just continued to observe.

"Jared explained the success you had created, and I was hoping you could do the same for me." He sighed. I could tell it was hurting his ego by asking for help. "I will offer you a stake in my company for your help. Many people are counting on me."

"I'm afraid we are too busy to entertain you with our support. We are simply too busy to help at the moment." I replied.

"Look, I have a company that was once the best in the country and we are struggling. I know we can improve our results. There are a lot of resources—"

"I'm sorry, but I am going to have to decline the opportunity. There are many other PR companies that will help you, so please get in contact with them. Now get out of my office." I firmly said.

Jacob sat there, flabbergasted at my response. I expect he was used to humans falling at his feet, agreeing to his orders without question. The perplexed look on his face was something I would remember for the rest of my life. It was truly satisfying. His fist was continuously flexing. He seemed annoyed at my disrespect, but I paid no attention to it..

"Miss Romano—" He continued to speak.

"No Mr Warner, I do not work with people who have poor judgement. You, Mr Warner, are someone I won't be able to trust. I dislike you and the decisions that you have made in your life. So, please leave my office and do not return." I responded as I crossed my arms.

I could sense that Benjamin was uncomfortable with the conversation and my tone. Benjamin understood I was frustrated. He just didn't know why. Jacob got up from his chair and left a large A4 envelope on my table. "I understand your thoughts, Miss Romano, but I have many people relying on me. Please look at the proposal and if you change your mind, call me." Jacob said with a small sympathetic smile as he turned and made his way out of my office.

When the door closed, I groaned loudly and pushed my head into my hands with my elbows leaning on the desk. The envelope sat on my table was like a deal from the devil himself. I could feel Benjamin's gaze burning into the side of my head.

"What the hell was that? I have never seen you like that before. Why didn't you listen to him?" Benjamin asked.

"Benjamin, when was the last time you got drunk till you forgot who you are?" I groaned.

"Erm... probably college?" He nervously answered.

"Well, we're about to get drunk until I can't feel my feet. So get your ass up and take me to the nearest bar. You're about to become my best friend." I asked as I walked out towards the office door, getting myself as far away as possible from that envelope of temptation. I turned around and Benjamin was still sitting in the chair with his mouth gaping like a fish out of water.

"Well, are you coming or what? Surely you ain't gonna wanna miss this?" I teased.

That's when Benjamin scrambled from his seat and followed me out the door like a little lost puppy.

Edited - 08/08/2023

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