The Beginning Of The Trial

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The pack's largest room was an old hall that was used to celebrate large events. The last time this place was when it was Leanne and Jacob's engagement party, it was there that they announced their mating to the pack. The hall was decorated with large silk sheets that adorned the walls, flowers were placed intricately around the hall. It was beautiful and I could imagine her marriage and Luna ceremony being something extravagant. 

Today this hall was stripped to it's bare bones, the walls were plainly painted white, the floor was wooden and looked as if it hadn't been cleaned in months. The air that surrounded me felt dusty. There was nothing extravagant about this place, chairs were placed around the hall in rows. The front was bare except two seats where the Elder's sat. 

I was sat comfortably in the front row next to Benji who held my hand tightly. I could see he was confused by the somber atmosphere of the hall. There were no smiles, no voices of cheer. There was just this solemn look on everyone's face. I felt a warm breath on by ear. "Why does it feel like an episode of Law and order in here?" Benji whispered. I couldn't help but cover my chuckle with a cough. 

Benji was this type of person that would always crack a joke when he was uncomfortable, it was his way of breaking the tension. I could see Lewis' lips curve in a smile as he heard Benji's words. Honestly, since being in this pack I have watched Benji grow as a person, he's become more animated, more confident. I can see the happiness glow on his face. Since our arrival, he has taken everything in his stride, he's survived every adversity that has been thrown at him. He truly was destined to be a Beta. He was extremely protective of those he loved and I knew the more time he spent with the pack, the more this would strengthen. 

"Pack members of the Redbrige Pack we have commenced this trial today to discuss the wrongdoings committed by some of your established members who are in power." Elder Reece announced. He stood tall and proud, but there was no arrogance about him. 

"Alpha Jacob's has admitted to rejecting his true mate, the true Luna of the Redbridge Pack. Alpha Jacob how do you plea?" Elder Robert's asks. 

Alpha Jacob stands from his seat. He is dressed in a navy suit with a crisp white shirt. His hair is styled in it's usual way, slicked to the side. Nothing looks out of place. He stands tall and he looks at me directly in the eye as he speaks. "I plead Guilty Elders of the Council." 

"Very well Alpha Jacob. Could you please explain to the pack how you came to reject your mate, the Redbridge's rightful Luna?" Elder Reece commands. 

"My true mate was none other than Louise White, daughter of John and Margaret White, the pack's previous Beta's. She is now known as Loretta Romano. When I came to know that Louise was my true mate, I felt at the time she was not suitable to be a Luna. She was rumoured to be associating with Rogues and was reportedly sleeping around with numerous males. At the time she displayed no true qualities of a Luna." He announces, I see the guilt fill his eyes. 

"Very well, could you please let me know how you came to that decision?" Elder Roberts questions. 

"Her parents were the Beta's of the pack. They expressed that they had smelt numerous males in Louise's room. They were the one's who reported that the scents were unknown to them and that they did not belong to the pack. They shunned their daughter Louise for her actions. She was outcasted by the pack, no one accepted her, she was bullied because of her sister, Leanne had revealed what she had heard her parents discussing at home." Jacob says as he hangs his head. 

"Were these rumours ever investigated? Was Louise ever questioned for her involvement with the Rouges?" Elder Reece quizzes. 

"Not by myself, no. I do not know whether her parent's ever questioned her actions but from the way that they behaved towards her I believed the rumours to be true." He responds. 

"Very well. Did you decide to take a chosen mate?" Elder Robert asks. 

"Yes." Jacob's head is still lowered. 

"Can you please tell us the name of your chosen mate?" Elder Robert questions. 

"Leanne White. The Daughter of Beta John and Margaret White. Louise's twin sister." He replies nonchantly. 

"Did you seek advice or guidance from anyone in your pack?" Elder Reece interjects. 

"No. I made the pack believe that she was my true mate. Leanne was happy to step up as Luna as she believed her sister to be a poor example of a Luna." Jacob responds. 

"So no one knew that she was your chosen mate? You did not seek permission from the Council to take a chosen?" Elder Robert says in a disapproving tone.

"No I did not. I did not seek any guidance or permission of the Council to take a chosen mate. My parents were neither aware of my decisions. The truth came to light after the birth of Leanne's child when Louise had left the pack." 

"Was the child that Leanne birthed yours?" Elder Robert questions with anger laced in his tone. 

"No the Child she carried was not mine." He responds. There were gasps and murmurs that echoed through the room. I know that there were questions over whether Leanne carried the heir and I believe that some people didn't believe what he said at the pack meeting. Elder Roberts raises his hand to silence the whispers, suddenly the room becomes quiet, the silence was deafening. 

"Very well. We will take your statement into account in relation to rejecting the Redbridge's rightful Luna." Elder Roberts finishes. 

"I would like to question the Alpha further on his decision making Elder Roberts." Elder Reece states as Elder Roberts responds with a clipped nod. "Alpha Jacob could you please reveal to your pack how you came to conclude that Leanne your chosen Luna was inadequate?" Elder Reece questions. 

Jacob gave him a soft nod as if he was thanking him for the opportunity to explain what followed. "We were attacked by some Rouges. They kidnapped Leanne's child. At the time my wolf told me the child she carried was not ours, however my human side became attached and was claiming the child as our heir. I did not realise that Leanne was the one who was involved with the Rouges. She admitted it when her baby was kidnapped and brutally murdered. She was aware that her sister was my true mate but allowed her to take the fall for her disgraceful acts. The acts that made me think that Louise was not worthy to be Luna. For Leanne had taken advantage of Louise's kindness and had used her identity when she interacted with Rouges or engaged with intercourse with unmated wolves." Jacob explained. 

"Thank you for your explaination Alpha Jacob." Elder Reece gave him a tight smile. "Is there anything that you would like to say in your defense?" 

"I have no defence for my actions." Jacob sighed. "I was a teenage Alpha who thought he was above the Moon Godess, I mistakenly believed that she gave me a mate who was unworthy to be Luna. I have treated my mate poorly, I engaged in a physical and emotional relationship with someone who was not my true mate. Years ago a she-wolf saved a child from being kidnapped and I wished for her to be my mate. The Moon Goddess answered my prayers but I was too blinded by my ego, too blinded by the lies of others to see the gift that she had given me. I will forever regret my actions, not just to my pack. Although I care about them, it is my mate who I am most sorry too. For she was wronged in every way possible and I have no justification for it. I didn't even give her a chance to defend herself." He says with tears in his eyes. 

"I was wrong and I truly do not deserve my position as Alpha for I have ruined and betrayed my pack in every way." Jacob finishes. 

Without realising it, a tear has escaped my eye. I feel myself hold onto Benji like he is my life line. I feel people's gaze linger on mine, I don't even have to look at them to know that their eyes are filled with guilt and pity for the pain that I endured. I close my eyes, pushing away the tears that are gathering in my eyes hoping they will disappear. I take a deep breath and exhale. 

"Thank you for your statement. It will be taken into consideration with our judgements. You may take your seat Alpha Jacob." Elder Robert gestures to his empty seat. 

"We would like to call to the stand Retired Beta John White, father to Leanne and Louise White." Elder Reece announces. 

Fuck. Well I wasn't expecting that. 

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