The Two Sides Of A Coin

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My twin sister stood there, nothing but shock covered her face. There she stood behind the problem china and the clattered tray across the floor. It had been over eight years since I had laid eyes on her and once upon a time I would look at her and sometimes think that I was looking in the mirror. It was like seeing a duplicate of myself, it was like looking  at a better version of me. 

As I looked at her now, she looked different, she looked worn out. Her skin that was once bright and clear was now riddled with dirt and small scars across her face. Her body was no longer fit and slender but she looked weak and brittle. The once confident stance she took was now timid with her shoulder's slumped. Her light blue eyes which she inherited from mother were dark and deeper shade of blue. They were hidden behind large dark circles and small crows stretched out of the corner of her eyes. When I look at her, I no longer see the perfect daughter, the strong sister who's eyes held mischief behind them. She looked older than her usual age. I couldn't deny that the years hadn't been good to her.  

"You found her?" She looked to my parents and Jacob. A triage of emotions ran across her face as she begged for answers. 

"That's none of your business Omega." Jacob spat. When I looked at my parents I could see the coldness in her gaze as they looked at their daughter. They gave her the same look, they gave me when I was a teenager. My mother could barely look at her while she was in the room. 

"That's enough Jacob." I replied. My sister's eyes widened at what I said. I gathered from her reaction that no one had stood up for her since her lies were revealed. Let alone from the person that she had hurt the most. 

"Lousi-Loretta, you know what this disgusting bitch did to us! What she did to our pack! She doesn't deserve your pity." Jacob growled. 

My eyes snapped to him after seeing Leanne's shoulder's sag at his words. "Listen here Alpha, it is not our pack, it is your pack! Secondly, that disgusting bitch you described was the woman you choose to mate and the mother of your dead child. So show some bloody respect!" I shouted. 

My parents and Leanne looked at me like I had grown a third head. Don't get me wrong, I hated my sister she had caused me enough pain to last me a lifetime but she didn't deserve to be treated that way. They chose to keep her in the pack - whether she was a Luna or an Omega there was no reason for them to bully her. I knew how callous and cold my parents could be. As much as  I hated her, she was still my sister. All I could do was hope that the years that allowed her to change for the better. 

"Leave us. Me and my sister need to speak alone." I ordered. 

My parents and Jacob looked at each other, all them looked reluctant to leave us on our own, I could smell the anger roll off of Jacob's body. I gave him a stern look to ensure that he knew not to mess with me. Both my parents stood up, my father struggling to walk. Both ignored Leanne, who was looking at them with tears in her eyes. It was like she didn't exist. Whereas Jacob walked up to her and stared at her in disgust. I could sense he was mind linking her because she eagerly nodded at him before he stormed out the front door. 

My sister didn't speak, she was still stood firmly in her spot. All I could do was look at her, no longer was she dressed in the finest designs but she was now wearing some cut up jeans and an oversized white shirt with some dirt on it. Her hair didn't look luscious or thick but rather greasy and thin. I shook my end and gestured to the sofa which our parents had vacated and told her to sit. 

She took a deep inhale of breath and made her way to sit opposite me. I could see her eyes light up when we were teenagers and I could see the clogs clicking away in her mind as she looked me up and down. I knew it was a risk being on my own with my sister but she would never be honest if our parents or Jacob was present. The aromas she was permeating was a mixture of disgust, fear, jealously, disappointment and there was even a hint of regret. 

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