The Tale Of The Selfish Sister

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The whispers and tears from pack members echoed through the pack hall. I could feel Benji's hand soothingly move on my back, he was offering me comfort in a way that I was not used to. I had always been alone, never had anyone to personally support me. Even though I had developed relationships, they weren't meaningful because I was never vulnerable with them. Benji was the first person in years who knew my weaknesses, my secrets and my pain. I was so thankful he was here with me, even if he didn't have any words to offer me. He was my anchor. 

There was the clanking of chains, the heavy steps of people walking through the room. I couldn't bare to look up, I knew who was there without even laying my eyes on her. Benji moved his hand off my back and grasped my hand. I didn't know if it was for him or me, but I was grateful. I knew Jacob and Tyler would have to stand by my sister for she was just too dangerous to be left unguarded, even with elder's present, she was too unpredictable and unstable. 

I clenched my eyes closed and lifted my gaze from the floor to my sister. Before we used to be identical. Both of us had similar skin, black raven hair, green eyes. It was difficult to separate the two of us. When I arrived in the City and I looked in the mirror all I could do was hate myself. I saw my sister, I never saw myself. All I could do was look at the woman in front of me and see the woman who ruined my life. 

It was a few weeks in to me developing my business that I decided to change my appearance, I dyed my hair red,  It made my green eyes twinkle like emeralds. My skin that was once tanned from the sun kissed environment of the pack was now pale and well-maintained with numerous creams that made my skin glow. When I looked in the mirror, I didn't see my sister or Louise. I saw myself as Loretta Romano, the strong independent ice queen of New York City. 

As I looked at my sister stand in front of the pack, she looked completely different. Her once gorgeous curves were now non-existent. She had lost a lot of weight and she was slim and lanky. Her arms were very thin that her bones could be seen against her skin. Her black shiny raven hair was now lifeless and dull, it was greasy and matted like she didn't care. Her sun-kissed skin was now like leather and her face was riddled with stress lines. Her eyes were dull but filled with this crazed and unstable look as she caught my gaze. 

"Are you Leanne White, daughter to retired Beta John and Margaret White?" Elder Reece looked down on my sister who was shackled by silver chains on her arms and feet. Both Jacob and Tyler stood back, their eyes unwavering from her stance. Leanne had this vacant look in her eyes but she scoffed at his question and turned her head in the other direction. She looked at the Elder like he was beneath her, she didn't want to answer, she didn't want to be accountable. 

There was this deathly silence that filled the room. As I looked around, pack members looked at the woman they once called friend or Luna in disbelief. The lack of respect that she showed was surprising. No one could believe her audacity to ignore the Elder's it was an extreme sense of disrespect. 

Elder Robert let out a growl. The power of his wolf was nauseating for those of us who were in the room. His eyes darkened and went black and it was this that caused his wolf clawed to the surface. Many of the pack bowed our heads in a sign of respect, however I couldn't pull my gaze from the scene that was unfolding in front of me. "YOU WILL NOT DISRESPECT YOUR ELDERS. YOU WILL NOT DISRESPECT THE COUNCIL. YOU WILL ANSWER ALL OUR QUESTIONS WITH HONESTY AND WITHOUT HESITATION. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" 

Everyone in the room watched as Leanne's wolf surfaced and submitted without fight, for her wolf knew there was no escaping their power. "Yes, I understand." She whispered. "I apologise for my human's incompetence. She will only continue to show her disrespect and refuse to answer, so I will provide you with the information you seek." She bowed her head. 

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