Bonus Chapter: Leanne's Past

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Warning: Sensitive content ahead, read at your own discretion. 

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. 

The incandescent and never ending sound of that god forsaken clock keeps ticking away. Reminding me that time is passing away as I rot away in this silver cage. I can't help but scoff at their idiocy, I am no longer a wolf yet they kept me trapped behind bars like I am some sort of animal. My nails dig into my skin as I clench my fist, no longer did I have the ability to heal at an increased rate. The blood would drip from my palms, leaving behind nothing but scabs and scars. 

I don't know when I started to hate my sister but whenever my mind drifts to her face, my blood boils. She is the reason why I am here, it's her fault. From the moment she was born, she has done nothing but ruin my life. I repeat it like a mantra, it's like a prayer on repeat. If she never existed I would have been happy. If she had never returned to Redbridge, I wouldn't be here. 

My mind often drifts to when we were children. My mother always dotted on me, she dressed me in pretty dresses, her attention was always on me. I chuckle when I think back to the naive woman, she thought I respected her, she thought I loved her, but all I wanted was the attention on me. From a young age, I was determined to keep her focus on me. I would whisper in her ear all the naughty things that I did and blame it on my stupid sister. My mother would scold her endlessly while I looked on with a smirk on my face. 

As I manipulated and twisted my relationship with my mother, my stupid sister got close to my father. He would treat her like a princess, he would take her to see the warriors fighting, he would dote on her like mother doted on me. I hated her for it. It wasn't her attention to seek. She stole what was rightfully mine. I remember mother always bickering with my father over my sister, she wanted him to discipline Louise but he ignored her demands. I would look on in anger and like I do now, I would clench my fist tightly. 

I don't know what it was about my sister but everyone but mother loved her. She was bold and bold and outgoing. She made friends easily, she was smart in class, everyone but mother would praise her. It only made my hate for her grow. I wanted to kill her, even as a child I wanted to see her wither away into dust and everyone to forget that she ever existed. 

It wasn't until we went to high school, I decided to steal everything from her. I would whisper in her friends ears bitter words and lies that she had told me, while I acted like a clueless doe-eyed girl who didn't understand the meaning of the words that my sister had allegedly said. Watching her lose the friends that she loved, drop like flies was exhilarating. I couldn't help but enjoy the small frown that graced her face. I revelled in it as I stole each one of her friends. I had stolen my sister's pedestal. Victory was mine as I watched her become a loner. 

But it still wasn't enough. I wanted to see her outcasted to the shadows, to never feel the sunlight again. It was that fateful day while running in my wolf that I met Kieran. I was like a moth to the flame, I could see the danger dripping from his body like a second skin. I remember my tongue lapping at the corners of my lips. His aura was like mine, he was shrouded in a cloud of darkness. Darkness that I wanted to taste, to drink for the rest of my life. 

Kieran told me about his pack, how they were involved in numerous crimes. I think he expected to run away but all I could do was chuck myself at him as lust vibrated through my bones. I could no longer remember my mother speaking about mates, all I could see was the dangerous man that I wanted to keep for the rest of my life. The exhilaration that ran through my bones as he showed me his empire became a drug I couldn't live without. 

He gave me what I desperately sought. An identity away from my sister, unwavering attention, he wanted me to be his queen. He promised that when I reached the age of finding my mate, he would mate and mark me. He described a world in which people feared us, he told me stories of how humans and wolves would fall at our feet. I couldn't help but let him passionately love me every night when the sun went down. 

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