Final Goodbye's

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The pack was shocked by the arrival of their new leader. I was hoping for this outcome but I would never have expected Xavier to accept the Elder's offer to run the pack. I had mentioned to them before leaving about restoring peace between the Rouges and the Redbridge Pack but to do it in this fashion was something I wasn't expecting. I could see that some members were hesitant in accepting their new Alpha, there was a weariness in some of their gazes. I couldn't blame them for they were told a lie which caused hatred to form where it wasn't necessary. 

I didn't have to spend a lot of time with Xavier to know he was a good man, he had managed to reform the Rouges and from my conversations with the Beta and Gamma of the pack they had expressed that the Rouges had only engaged in combat when they attacked. Both had shared that they were peaceful and often felt guilty for attacking people who only wanted to live in harmony. 

At the meeting Xavier had announced that the members in his Rouge pack would be joining and he would be reforming how they approached lone or Rouge wolves. He understood that sometimes it wasn't their fault or decision to leave their pack so they should never be attacked on sight. He promised to lead them with transparency and that he wanted to introduce a democracy to the pack, hoping that they will all contribute to making big decisions that will impact their lives. It was at that moment I saw those who were weary, relax into their seats. 

The Elder's stood by with a smile on their face and for the first time since arriving in the Redbridge pack, there was no longer a deariness that clouded the pack but there was a hum, a buzz of excitement. For Xavier's plans were something new, they provided opportunity for them to change the archaic system that has been in place. The only person who looked annoyed or irritated was Jacob, but equally there was an admittance of acceptance on his face. 

I knew that we had said everything that we needed to. There was no reason for my thoughts to hang on his. He was a chapter that I had now closed and although he caused me significant pain, I hoped that he would find happiness. Now that everything had been resolved and plans had been made with the Elder's, there was no reason for me to stay. I was free to leave, free to live, free to love again. 

I was in my bedroom packing my suitcase, making sure that all my personal items were stored away. When I arrived their was a heavy burden that hung on my shoulders, my demons were now destroyed. I no longer had a mate, I was now without a wolf for she had completely left me. There was only one thing I knew I would be leaving behind that I would miss. 

It was then that my thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. "Come in!" I shouted as I zipped my suitcase up. I let out a deep sigh and turned around. 

There he stood. The person who I would miss like hell. The personal item that I was leaving behind. His posture was defeated, he had tears in the corner of his eyes. His face was solemn. I knew deep down he was hoping I would stay but he knew this place held nothing but ghosts of my past. 

"Benji." I said with a smile on my face. 

"Loretta..." His voice cracked as he wiped the corner of his eyes. "Your..." Benji sniffed. "Ride is here waiting for you." 

"Benji, wipe those tears away." I said as I rushed in front of him. "There is nothing for you to cry about. This isn't goodbye." 

"But it is! I won't see you everyday, I won't speak to you everyday! Your going to ghost me, your going to never speak to me again because I am staying here. Why couldn't I have found Lewis in any other place! A place where you could stay!" He sniffed out, the tears continuously running down his eyes. 

I let out a small chuckle as I brought my hand to my lips to cover the corners of my mouth which was tilting upwards. "Benji, you can't get rid of me that easily. You are still my employee. You are still my best friend. You are still my brother by bond. Just because we won't physically see each other does not mean you will never see me again." 

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