The Deliberation

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Alpha Jacob went to the front of the pack and stood before both Elders, his face was defeated, I could feel his wolf reach for mine but I blocked it at every path. I couldn't afford to be weak. The bond was something to be treasured but for those of us that was chucked away, it was nothing but a curse. 

My heart was thumping as I stared at him and as he stared back, his eyes didn't wander from my face. I could see the pain in his eyes, the regret that furrowed in his brow, the sadness that gathered in the corners of his mouth. I could feel a lump forming in my throat as both Elder's looked at him. It was the first time I was unable to read their expressions for both held a poker face that was unreadable. 

"Alpha Jacob Warner do you have anything that you would like to say before we pass our judgement?" Elder Reece questioned. 

"Firstly I want to apologise to the pack for my decisions. It doesn't matter what I was told or what was rumoured. I should have taken the initiative to look into the claims against my true mate. It was a decision that I made and take full responsibility for. No one forced me to claim a mate that wasn't mine. I rejected this pack's rightful Luna and it is an insult to you. For that I am sorry." He hangs his head. 

"Secondly, I started a war with the Rouge Xavier following the lies of Leanne. You would think that I would have learned the first time, that I would have checked my facts before believing a pathological liar." He lets out a huge breath. "But I didn't, again I followed her words and started a fight with people that didn't deserve it. Innocent wolves have died because of my poor leadership, because of my own pride. I have not been the Alpha you deserve."

"The biggest apology I owe is to my mate, although she is Loretta now. In my eyes she will always be Louise." His eyes meet mine and his voice begins to crack. "Louise, I can say that I was manipulated, I could say that I was lied to, I could even argue that it wasn't my fault. But I won't insult you like that. I rejected you without truly knowing you. I chose your twin sister over you because of rumours that never held any merit. I am truly sorry for the pain and loneliness that you experienced. Being away from your pack and being rejected by your mate. I am ashamed of my actions and I will forever carry the guilt with me. No amount of sorries could ever make what I did right. I wronged you and our." A tear escapes his eye. 

Throughout the pack, muffled cries could be heard from numerous members. I could feel the turmoil of different emotions in the room, sadness, grief and anger at everything this pack has been through. I let out a long sigh and move my eyes away from his and pinch the bridge of my nose at the pain that I am feeling. I feel my wolf allow the pack's grief transfer to me and all I can do is shake my head at her actions. 

Elder Reece and Robert look at Jacob and both of them have a look of pity on their face. Never had Elder's had to punish an Alpha who reported himself for his own crimes. They looked at him with pity. "The charges that you have been found guilty of are: Rejecting your mate and rejecting the pack's rightful Luna. You have been found guilty of claiming a mate who was not yours without Elder consultation. You have failed to investigate accusations made against your rightful Luna. You have initiated and engaged with an illegal war against rouge wolves for false reasons." Elder Robert states. 

"For your punishment we would like to invite Loretta Romano forward." Elder Robert commands. 

I look at Benji in confusion and furrow my brow. I was unsure and uncertain why I was being asked to have an input in his punishment. It wasn't something that I felt comfortable with. All I ever wanted was the truth to be known but for some reason the weight of the punishments bestowed on my family and mate felt heavy. It was difficult to comprehend and the lump in my throat was getting bigger and bigger. 

I shook my head and pushed myself up from my chair and made my way to the front. The Elder's looked at me and their face was filled with pity and sympathy for the way that the Redbridge pack has failed me, not just as a pack mate but as their rightful Luna. 

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