Chapter 74

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An: I'm going to skip two years so Chiyo is age of 19 and to clear it up a little bit she's a month older than Sakura.

Sakura pov
I make my way towards Chiyos office with lunch in hand knowing her she'll just forget to eat.

"There are far more capable women you could restore the Senju clan with Lady Hokage!" The smile on my face drops and I stop at the door suppressing my chakra slightly. But knowing Chiyo, she ready picked it up.

"Lady Chiyo all we are asking is that you look at this list we have made up! As Hokage you must have the interest of the village in mind."

I hear something snap before Chiyo's voice comes out deadly calm, "For the last time Sakura Haruno is the love of my life. You will do well to stop insulting her and keep her name out if your filthy mouths. And for the love of god I am not some breeding bull that's just going to pop out babies left and right. When the time is right I will marry Sakura and have a family with her. She is my other half and you should be smart and remember that next time you try to come in my office with that nonsense again. Now both of you get out of my office before I throw you both threw the windows!"

The door opens and I take a step back, I recognize the two people who come out as members if the council. The women scoffs when she spots me, "Senju-hime could do so much better."

I bite my bottom lip looking down, "Sakura..." I look back up to find Chiyo staring at me, "I bought lunch." I mumble holding the bag up slightly but Chiyo ignores what I've said and instead pulls me into her office.

She takes the bag from my hands and places it on the desk. I stare down at the floor, "Sakura look at me." Chiyo says softly yet sternly, I look up at her letting out a shaky breath.

"Don't you dare listen to anything they say. You alone with your hard work and determination surpassed my Kaachan. You are more than what I could ever ask for or want. And I love you with my entire you understand me nothing will ever change that." She wraps her arms around me and I bury my face in her shoulder clenching her Hokage cloak.

Chiyo places a light kiss on my forehead, "I know you love me I don't doubt that one bit. But hearing them speak about me and how they just keep pressuring you. Even going as far as making list of other women....." She leans back grabbing my chin gently so I can't turn away.

"I was planning on surprising you but I want to see you smile. So Im just going to tell you I pulled some some strings. Tomorrow we're leaving the village for a little vacation for 3 days." My eyes widen in surprise, "Wait really?! B-But your the Hokage you can't just leave the village!"

Chiyo grins proudly, "I called in a few favors from Kakashi-nii and i bribed my Kaasan."

Excitement bubbles in me and I throw my arms around her neck. Catching her off guard knocking us both off guard. I pepper kisses all over her face, "You are amazing!"

She sits up with my legs on either side of her, "I'm glad your excited about the trip so why don't you head home to pack and I'll see you tonight. I still have a few things to take care of." We both get up off the ground and I kiss her softly smiling. She frowns when I pull away, "Don't frown there will be plenty of kisses when you get home tonight....among other things."

I wink playfully causing her to groan in response, "Your killing me love." Chiyo walks me to the door of her office and we share one last kiss before I head home to the Senju mansion.

Chiyo pov
After Sakura left my office I immediately leave. But before I go I inform Shikamaru who knows of my plans. He simply smirks at me waving me off telling me not to worry about anything.

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