Chapter 19

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Chiyo Pov

I sit on grandfathers head watching the son rise over the village, "I don't like that you decided against talking with Kakashi and your Kaachan. You've been losing sleep kid and its not doing anything to you right now but it can affect you in a bad time." I sigh quietly, "I know Touma and I will talk to someone at some point....maybe." He grumbles at my stubbornness, I just don't feel so comfortable talking about these things especially Kai.

I sit up there for a few more hours until someone decides to join me, "When Kasumi told me you where not there when she woke up I figured you would be here." I hum in response as Kakashi-nii sits next to me and we're both silent for a moment.

"So are you better or where you kicked out because of Naruto?" He chuckles a little, "How about a little of both, and I was wanting you and Yamato to help with it the training he's going to be doing. If he pushes it to hard it can trigger the nine-tails chakra to leak threw, so as insurance you guys will be there to suppress it." I nod still not looking at him, "Sounds good to me."

"Chiyo look at me." I look over and he scans my face, "Is something bothering you?" I shake my head and stand, "No I'm okay I promise, now we should head to the training grounds before Naruto comes looking for us." He stares at me for a moment then stands, I place my hand on his shoulder and teleport us in front of Naruto. "Gahh!!" I snicker slightly, "Ahh that never gets old."

"Chiyo I told you to stop doing that baka!" I wave him off, "Ya Ya Naruto I know." His face goes red but before he can say anything Kakashi-nii beats him to it, "All right its time to get to work you two." Naruto starts laughing a little and I sigh, "What's so funny?"

Naruto rubs the back of his neck with a wide grin, "Oh it's nothing it's just been so long since I've train with you Kakashi-sensei, I don't know why but I'm real happy about it."

"I wouldn't be laughing if I where you Naruto." He looks at me kind of scared, "This training your going to be doing with Kakashi-nii is nothing like what you've done in the past. Time is not going to wait for you to master this ultimate jutsu." He gulps a little and Kakashi-nii takes over from there I zone out a little, regretting skipping breakfast now. I hold my head in pain and glare at Kakashi-nii as he gives me a close eye smile, "As I was saying Naruto luckily for you we have two wind style jutsu users in the village."

"Really who are they!!"

"Well Asuma-sensei and your very own teammate here." Naruto looks at me in awe, "No way we have the same chakra nature!!!" I wince a little, "No need to be so loud baka I'm right here, and I actually have more natures but that's not important." His jaw drops and I chuckle a little as Yamato lands next to me, "I see Kakashi roped you into this as well."

"More like dragged me." Kakashi-nii rolls his eye at me, "Hey Kakashi-nii I'm going to head over there and do some of my own training since Yamato is here." He waves me off, "Don't blow yourself up." Walking a go distance away from them I plop on the ground, hmm I wonder if I can combine both wind and fire into the rasengan. I mean I manage to make a fire rasengan and the destructive power on that is good, but the draw back is I can only manage to throw it 5 feet at best. And for me to cause the most damage with it its best if I make direct contacted with my target.

The problem is going to be how to fine the right amount of both natures otherwise I may blow myself up....

(Small time skip)

I lay spread out the ground like a starfish, "Well it seems your making progress on your training even if you blew yourself up multiple times." I pant heavily, "Oh shut up baka its not easy." Kakashi-nii helps up and I scrunch my nose smelling my burnt clothes. Just with my luck a Hawk flies over head I can help but groan loudly, "Tell Naruto I said good luck with his training." I teleport to Kaachan's office and cheer, "Shika!"

I throw my arm over his shoulder, "What a drag what where you even doing this time Chiyo?" I smile sheepishly, "Oh you know training." Ino latches on to my arm, "Yes where finally going on a mission together after all this time!" I chuckle a little but narrow my eyes at Asuma, I snatch the cigarette out if his mouth. "I swear you and gramps need to stop smoking." He sigh at me, "Chiyo this mission has to do with the Akatsuki."

My body tenses and I immediately stand straighter turning my attention to Kaachan, "You know what is at risk." We both stare at each other for a few moments, "Hai you can count on me I won't fail I give you my word."

"Chiyo we'll met at the gate in 15." I nod without another word teleporting home to gather everything I might need. I wait on top of the gate and let Team Kakashi pass under me and watch them disappear down the path. I jump down landing next to Shikamaru, "Hey don't worry they'll be okay." I glance at Choji and smile a little, "Ya you're right but that knucklehead always manages to attract trouble."

Please you four be careful, I won't forgive myself if something happened and I wasn't there to help.

Rise of the Dragon Sage (Sequel to Daughter of Sanin )CompleteTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon