Chapter 40

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Chiyo Pov

I'm going to keep that encounter with Sasuke to myself if the others found out that I had him and let him go they would kill me. I feel Kakashi-nii flare his chakra and body flicker towards him, "We have a lead on Sasuke he was here not to long ago. And there is a chance there where several other people here try and see if you can pick up anything else."

I bend down and place my hand on the ground, oops I'm picking up some of myself. I'm glad its mixed in with the others, if it hadn't I'm sure Akamaru would have picked it up. "Sasuke isn't by himself, he has three people with him. And if he was hurt in this battle they more than likely took him somewhere to rest if he was hurt in this battle."

Sakura walks up to me, "Chiyo you have blood in the corner of you mouth." She wipes it off and I smile, "Oh that you see I was arguing with Touma and lost focus..." I rub my head sheepishly as the others sigh at me, "Using me as an excuse brat."

"Oh shut it I'll make it up to you."

Kiba leads us to where he picked up Sasuke's sense, if we do find Sasuke I hope he doesn't say anything about me saving him. Besides what is going on why do I have this feeling that something bad is going to happen.

I pause mid-branch, "Chiyo what's wrong?" I look over at Yamato, "Whoever is with Sasuke know's we are coming so we need to move faster."

Doing as I'm told but it doesn't take long, "Hold on something is wrong its like Sasuke sense is spreading all over." I smirk a little, "Oh how annoying."

"Multi Shadow clone jutsu!" Naruto's clones run off in different directions, I wonder if that will really work?

Jiraiya Pov (Short)

"So are you not even going to wait for Chiyo and Kasumi to get back from there missions?" I take a gulp of my sake and smile, "Oh you know how those two get they would want to come along with me. And we can't have that especially since the Akatsuki has interest in Chiyo, I'm betting that has to do with her having Touma."

Tsunade looks down clenching her fist, "I'm sorry you always get the unpleasant assignments, and if it weren't for my selfishness you would have been able to see Chiyo grow up to where she is now."

I chuckle, "Oh come on these last three years have been some fun ones with her don't you think. You have to admit we made a good looking kid gets it mainly from you though."

I smile slightly, "All we can do is help the next generation grow and watch her grow even more than she is right now."

Back to Chiyo

I can't shake this feeling off as we follow Kiba trying another trail for Sasuke. I gasp and fall off the branch, "Chiyo!!" The others land all around me as I clench my chest gasping the pain Touchan he I-! Hands cup my face and I look at Sakura's emerald eyes, "Chiyo take slow breaths focus on me and only me."

I slow my breathing down and remove her hands from my face, "Now Chiyo what's wrong?" I stand up and look at Kakashi-nii, "Gomen Oniisan but I need to go." Before he can say anything I burst into flames and appear in behind Touchan to see a giant bird with rinnegan eyes coming towards him, "CHIYO HOW ARE YOU HERE!" I ignore him, "Dragon style: Raging flames!"

Dark flames spread out of my mouth and hit the bird dead on, "Chiyo what ar-!" I slap him hard in the face, "You stupid baka coming here by yourself without telling me! Baka, baka, baka!!!" He smiles softly, "Gomen but now that your here can you by me some time." I wipe the few tears away and smile, "You got it Touchan."

"Ah Chiyo Senju you have come here as well then this will make your capture easier." I don't acknowledge the voice as the bird circles back, "Touchan this way!" He runs in front of me as I push my chakra into the ground, "Wood style: Dense forest!"

I catch up to Touchan and teleport us to a different area, but at the end of the tunnel it appears again, "Chiyo follow my lead!" We both teleport to the other side of it and release a fire ball that hits it dead on, I grab his arm and teleport us away from the wall we landed by just as it explodes. "Chiyo I'm almost there." I stand in front of him looking at that rhino summoning, "Get to higher ground I'll handle this!"

He hesitates for a moment but moves when that thing begins to charge, I dodge it just as it turns around picking up speed. "Wood style: piecing strike!" Wood spikes shoot out from the ground hitting the beast dead on until it unsummons itself.

Touchan lands next to me, "Well done little tadpole." I puff my cheeks, "Oh shut up I'm still mad at you." Just then a bull appears, "All right Chiyo get behind me!" I do as he says without question and watched amazed as he blows it away. Then I notice Maw and Paw sitting on his shoulders, "Oh is that young Chiyo, look how you've grown."

I smile, "Its good to see you both I apologize for my Touchan."


"Kid its best you go into sage mode as well." I close my eyes for a few moments, "Well would you look at that Dragon Sage mode I haven't seen that in a long time." I open my eyes and look around my vision a thousand times better, "And when where you going to tell me you had a sage mode!?" I ignore Touchan and smirk, there you are you can't hide from me. I launch myself forward and punch the chameleon dead in the face sending it crashing into the wall.

I land right back next to Touchan as the chameleon unsummons itself, "What nasty eyes, I can't believe he is the child of prophecy." I frown in confusion, child of prophecy what is he talking about?

"Kid your going to have to be careful those eyes are even more powerful than the sharingan." I tense up this fight is going to be tough, "Summoning jutsu." Two more show up next to him, are they clones? "As your teacher it is my job to bring you down. Chiyo get ready!"


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