Chapter 72

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Chiyo pov
The three of us stare each other down, just as I take a step both Naruto and Sasukes jutsu die down. I release my own jutsu laughing slightly, Sasuke scolds at me.

"What the hell are you laughing at?" I release my final clone rolling my neck slightly feeling the sage chakra enter my body. I smirk when I feel a slight waver in Sasuke chakra. Naruto shifts on his feet, "As you can see Naruto I always have something up my sleeve. But clearly you to still don't get that about me. Fire style: fire binding jutsu."  Flames shoot threw the ground around Naruto forming a sort of narrow cage. He tries to punch threw it but it burns him right when he makes contacted. His hand was now an angry dark red, as the smell of burnt flesh hits my nose.

He growls in frustration, "Damn it Chiyo let me out!" I shake my head, "Not going to happen knucklehead and I would recommend not touching the flames. Unless your wanting to lose a hand that is." My eyes widen and I barely move my head in time. The chidori grazes my cheek and I coat my hands in chakra before grabbing his arm flipping Sasuke over my shoulder.

"You little shit you almost got me there but your a little slow for my taste. And in all honestly your boring me at this point its like all you know is Chidori at this point." I pull my arm back ready to punch him in the face but his fist hits my chin and I go flying in the air. Sasuke appears next to me and goes to kick me in my side.

So I bring my arms up creating an X, I roll on the ground before twisting my body around. And kick Sasuke in his side sending him away from me I could feel his hand had wrapped around my ankle for a brief moment. We both where breathing pretty heavily at this point. Then it clickes and I laugh dryly, "Oh I fucking hate you."

Sasuke smirks at me slightly his chakra coming to life, "Let's end this now Chiyo." The Chidori comes to life once more on his left hand, the elemental rasengan in my right. And without another word we rush at each other both jutsu clash.

Like that time on the hospital it causes a large explosion and I feel nothing but pain on my right side. My ears where ringing at this point and I close my eyes briefly. I sit up once more my body screaming at me to stop but I can't. I narrow my eyes in Naruto's direction. I could just make out his tear stained face as he fights against my barrier. Pain, anger and sadness written all over his face as he ignores the pain he's inflicting on himself.

The ringing finally stops and a hear a groan coming from two feet in front of me. Blood was coming from where his lower left arm and hand where supposed to be. I frown and glance down at my right arm only to find it gone as well.


I wonder and hold my head in slight pain at Touma's loud voice. I grit my teeth as I stumble to my feet making my way to Sasuke. Basically falling on top of him I adjust myself so I'm straddling him. His eyes where barely open at this point but as long as he was awake that's all I care about.

I steady myself and pull my left fist back punching him in the face, "That's for Kasumi." *punch* "For the rookie 9." *punch* "That's for Naruto." *punch* "For Kakashi." *punch* "For Sakura" *punch* "For my Kaachan and Touchan." I gather what was left of my sage chakra letting a Chidori spark to life.

"And this is for me you piece of shit, let's see how you feel taking a chidori." I pull my left arm back and bring my arm down, "CHIYO NO!"

At least second I let the jutsu die and punch Sasuke really hard in the face hearing a slight crunch. His eyes roll in the back of his head, good I knocked the asshole out at least. I roll off of him settling on his left, I stare at the night sky angry with myself for not finishing him off.

I make the Ram sign, "Release."  I rest my left arm on my stomach as Naruto stumbles over to us. Collapsing on my left, the smell of burnt flesh stronger than before. We're both silent for a moment, "I told you to not to touch the flame baka." I mutter tiredly chakra exhaustion catching up to me, "Why didn't you do it."

Naruto says softly his voice cracking a little, "Because even though I hate myself for not killing him right now. I knew it would hurt you, Sakura and Kakashi-nii in the end. You guys might of even come to hate me." Just having the thought that three of the people i cared for most hating me saddens me.

"I could never hate you Chiyo, your my Oneesan." I smile slightly, "So you and Sakura huh." My smile fades slightly, "I'm sorry for not telling you Naru it sort of just happened."

"You don't have anything to apologize for Chiyo, my three years away helped me realize Sakura would never see me like that. It also helped me get over it and we first got back to the village I saw how she looked at you." I turn my head slightly surprised on how mature and smart he was sounding. He smiles slightly, "Honestly im surprised you didn't see it ya'know." I could feel my face heating up so I turn back to the sky grumbling to myself.

For the rest of the night we enjoy the stars in silence, until the sun begins to rise. Sasuke begins to groan slightly and I can feel myself become irritated again.

"Chiyo, Naruto..." I could feel his gaze on the side of my face but I ignore it. I grunt a little, "I wouldn't move to much if I where you Uchiha with the injuries we gave each other I'm surprised were both still alive."

"Why didn't you...."

"Don't read to much into it, I spared your life because of Naruto, Sakura, and Kakashi. There the once you have to thank for your life. They are family to me and I don't like hurting family. I honestly hate you with a fucking passion, I saw you once as family but not anymore. We are not friends and I don't trust you, pull something like this again and I will kill you without hesitation next time." I say with as much venom as I could as I feel both Kakashi and Sakura get closer.

Relief washes over me knowing she's safe, but she's probably going to kill me now. Kakashi-nii chakra signature stays on the cliff side as Sakura continues to come closer. Sakura lands in front of the three of us tears gather in her eyes. Probably because the injuries we gave each other.

She scans the three of us before settling between Sasuke and I, I guess we're worse than Naruto.

"Sakura I..."

"Just shut up Sasuke and save your strength you've lost a lot of blood. And u can't have you distracting me." I snicker slightly but I shut up immediately when she glares at me.

"Wow Sakura you really have Chiyo under control that's awesome!"

"Shut up Naruto."

We all laugh slightly even Sasuke as if a weight has been lifted off of the four of us. Sakura heals the three of us enough so we can move. Well in mine and Sasuke's case die as we make our way to the cliffside Kakashi-nii was at. I lean against Sakura as Naruto and Sasuke finally release the Infinite Tsuki-no-me. I kiss the top of Sakura head feeling myself relax for the first time since the war began.

Now its actually over....

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