Filler 2.5 (Jealous Part 2)

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Sakura Pov
Yesterday after planning when and where they should show up. We decided to let Hinata go first so she can get over it. I'm kind of nervous about how Chiyo will react to all of this. What if she tries to kill one of them, I pale a little at the thought.

Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all.....

"Sakura are you okay?" Chiyo stops in front of me looking worried, "Ya I'm just thinking about what we should make for dinner later." Chiyo hums taking my hand in hers as we begin walking down the market area again. Her thumb rubbing my knuckles, "How about we just grab some Ichiraku ramen. Then just get some stuff to make a cake at home. I mean its just going to be you and me tonight. Kasumi staying with Gramps and Kaachans staying at the office."

I think for a moment, "Yea that sounds good to me."

"E-Excuse me." Standing right in front of us was a blushing 'boy'. He fiddles with the sleeve of his dark hoodie one of his hands behind his back. His brown eyes darting between me and Chiyo. Poor Hinata I feel bad for putting her threw this, "Can we help you?"

Chiyo smiles sweetly like always, "M-My name is Kaito and uh I saw you from a distance. A-And um I wanted to give you this!" He holds out a red rose towards me with shaking hands will bowing slightly. I take it from him smiling as he stands up. I walk up to him and place a kiss on his cheek hearing a soft growl behind me.

"Thank you Kaito that's really sweet of you." His eyes dart over my shoulder, "Y-Your welcome now I have to go!" Hinata darts off fast as I turn back to Chiyo. Who I thought would be angry but she looked amused instead.

She smiles slightly at me, "He was quiet the character wasn't he." I walk back to her smelling the rose, "Ya but it was kind of cute."

Chiyo chuckles a little, oh come on your at least suppose to be a little angry. Or at least upset with what I said I'll take either one.

We make our way to the store, Chiyo carrying the basket as I grab things for the cake. I stand on my toes trying to reach a bottle of vanilla extract that was on the top shelf. When a hand reaches over me and I feel a body press into my back. Turning around standing right in front of me was a guy with dark brown hair that was up in a man bun. At least TenTen changed her eye color to gray and made he's skin tone lighter.

"Sorry if I invited your personal bubble i just wanted to help." Chiyo stood off to the side snickering slightly, "Its fine im glad someone decided to help."

I shoot her a small glare and she hold her hands up in surrender. Tenten glances at her before turning back to me smiling. 'He' rubs the back of his neck, "Well I'm Asahi and your Sakura right?" I smile with a nod, "That's me how did you know my name."

Asahi chuckles, "How could I not your the student of the Hokage. People talk, all though they clearly didnt describe your beauty enough." I look at the ground acting shy, "Oh thank you."

"I'm only telling you the truth now I've got to go before my Tousan kills me for being late for dinner."

"Bye Asahi."

"Bye Sakura."

When 'hes' out of sight I brace myself for any reaction from Chiyo.

"Nice dude now come on I want some ramen." She takes the bottle of vanilla from my hands placing it in the basket and heads towards the register. I stare at the back of her head in disbelief, what the hell none of this is working! Ugh Ino has to step it up otherwise all of this was for nothing.

On our way to the ramen shop Chiyo hums to herself without a care in the world. Is she just not a jealous person or does she just not care enough.

I sigh to myself as well get to Ichiraku ramen, "Chiyo and Sakura I haven't seen you two here in a while." Chiyo grins, "Teuchi my man its good to see you." He chuckles a little, "I assume you want the usual." She nods, "And what can I get you Sakura?"

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