Chapter 9

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Chiyo Pov

Our flames clash, causing them to shoot upwards and off to the sides. Damn it I'm using a lot of chakra and if Naruto does lose control who knows if I will have enough for that jutsu. I plant my feet firmly on the ground and tree roots shoot out the ground under Sasori, trying to wrap around his body.

He jumps into the air and points his flames down at the ground burning all the roots that where following him. I drop the blue flames dragon form, panting a little harder now. "See if you can take this!" Water shoots out of his hands, "Earth style: Earth wall jutsu!" It goes up in time and I can hear the cracks from behind the wall, "How long can you last Chiyo?"

I don't answer and I hiss when his weapon comes around the wall and it manages to cut my side. He goes straight to Sakura and Granny, I grit my teeth and catch the rope. I begin to pull it fast towards me, "You piece of shit!" I give it one hard tug, "Your fight is with me!" I pull him hard towards me and reel my fist back, hitting him hard in the stomach.

His body breaks apart I rest on my knee and look back at Sasori, Sakura rushes over to my side and starts to heal me. "You reckless baka!" I chuckle slightly, "Gomen Sakura you know me..." Granny looks at me with a smile as I look over at her, "Well done child." Sakura helps me stand one of my arms over her shoulder, but we both freeze healing things moving behind can't be. I turn my head to see Sasori has some how managed to put himself together, but how the hell is that even possible!!

"What are you so happy about?" Granny gets her other arm out of the rocks, "That's right the fight has only begun." She pulls a scroll out of her pouch, "I even forbid myself from using this jutsu, I never thought I would us it again but against you I must." I watch as ten puppets appear there are so many. "Granny Chiyo's multiple digits I've heard story's that you once destroyed a whole fortress with it. However....."

I stare with wide eyes as a hundred puppets appear, "I used these to destroy an entire Nation!" Sakura jumps behind Granny and I push off of her, "Sakura we have to help okay." She sighs, "You are still stubborn." Me and Sakura rush in as Granny launches her puppets, "Dragon style: Air dragon form!"

Just as the fire did before my chakra wraps around me like a funnel of air, splitting the puppets in half any time I make contact with him. There's to many of them I have to end this as fast as I can, I appear in on Granny's side and take a sword in the stomach.

"Chiyo!" I punch the damn thing in the face breaking it, I cough a little blood. "Chiyo..." I look at Granny who was staring at me with wide eyes, I smile slightly. "I'm fine I said no harm would come to you or Sakura didn't I?" I try to take a step but collapse on my knee again damn it, I get rid of the wind dragon form. "Chiyo you leave the rest to me and Sakura we have this."

I hesitate a moment but then I notice Sakura's determined face and smile, "I leave it to you then, I've got the both of you covered." I place my hand on Granny giving her the chakra I know she needs, she looks at me gratefully.

And I watch with a smirk as Sakura advances on Sasori she really has grown so much. "It's over Sasori," I cough out more blood and Sakura rushes over, "Chiyo!!" I feel a presence behind me and Granny, I push granny out of the way taking the sword in my chest. I feel blood come from the corner of my mouth as I grip the sword with both hands. I glare at Sasori as he pushes it deeper into me, I look at the core in his chest.

"You really are something else protecting an old lady you barely know." I grunt as he keeps pushing it deeper, and I let black fire cover my wound. I shake my head feeling a little dizzy, "Get away from here!!" Sakura punches Sasori hard in the side sending him flying, "Sakura that core!" She nods understanding what I'm saying as Granny lays me on my side and injects me with one of the antidotes.

I glance at Granny lays me on my side, "I am going to heal you wound while I pull out the sword." I nod and she begins to pull it out, I bite my lip feeling another hand join Granny's. "Sakura is it over?" I can her worry in her voice, "Yes baka now shut up you've used up a lot of chakra and lost a good amount of blood."

"Don't worry Sakura I am harnessing my own life force and pushing it into her body. Using this jutsu it can breath life into any thing that is in exchange for the one who uses it." I grab her hand stopping her jutsu, "I am fine don't worry..."

They both help me to stand, "Come on we need to catch up with Naruto and Kakashi-nii..." My eyes widen as I feel Kurama's chakra going wild, I push off of them. "Get to the others!" I use my flame transportation jutsu, "Touma!"

I tackle Naruto to the ground before he can hit Kakashi-nii, I ignore the burning in my hands. "Kurama I am not in the mood stop leaking your chakra out now!" His chakra goes down and I collapse on my knee, Kakashi-nii jumps next to me. "Are you alright?" I cough a little blood, "I'm fine I just used a lot of chakra." Sakura and Granny land next to us as I pant heavily, I need to get a better grip on my jutsu's. They still use to much chakra especially when I'm not using Touma's chakra or sage mode.

"Art is an explosion!"

I look up alarmed and run out of Kakashi-nii's grip past Gai and his team, "Water style: Tsunami jutsu!" I land on my knee's and hands, okay I need a big bowl of ramen.

Neji helps me up and back to the others, "Still as reckless as ever." I pant leaning on him, "Oh you know you missed me Neji."

We move to a clearing and Sakura takes a look at Gaara I already know he is gone.....

I struggle but manage to walk over to him getting on my knee's, I stare at him my back towards the others as Naruto yells at the others. My shoulders shake as tears fall and I clench his shirt, damn it Gaara you aren't supposed to leave me. I look up as Granny sits across from Gaara, she puts her hands over him. "Granny..."

"She's saving him...." She looks at me with a smile and I put my hands over her's, Naruto soon joins me. I listen quietly as she speaks with Naruto and I about the future, "You know I asked my Kaachan why she named me Chiyo..." I look at Granny with teary eye's, "It's because she knew of a shinobi from the Sand who was very skilled. Always keeping her on her toes with the new things she came up with, she had hoped I would be the same in a way." She chuckles weakly, "You are far better than me live with your friends Chiyo. And guide your friends as much as you can, but do not leave them they need your strong spirit."

Sakura catches her as she falls over thank you so much Lady Chiyo...

Gaara slowly opens his eyes as the Sand shinobi finally arrive look up at the sky as he looks around confused. "Chiyo...." I look at him and his eyes widen noticing my state and my tears, "You Baka I thought I lost you." He grabs my hand surprising everyone but me, "I am sorry I had almost broke my promise forgive me." I laugh slightly at him, "I can't stay mad at you but..." I look over at Granny and he seems to understand, we help each other stand.

"Let us pray for Lady Chiyo." I close my eyes and send chakra into the ground, flowers bloom all around us.

We get back to the Sand Village at sun raise me and Naruto helping Gaara walk. We can already hear the shouts of all the citizens of the sand, "You did it Gaara." He looks over at me and I see his ghost smile, Baki thanks both me and Naruto. Both me and Gaara have the same thought and move aside so they can carry Lady Chiyo in the casket I had made for her.

Afterwards we gather in Gaara's office, I was leaning on Sakura as I stare out the window. Before we go we visit Lady Chiyo resting place, I push chakra into my hand a flower appears. I walk over to the headstone and plant it next to it. I limp over to Sakura and Naruto, we linger a little longer staring at the headstone. Sakura places my arm over her shoulder and we walk over to the others. Gaara, Kankuro and Temari walk us outside there village walls. I smile as Gaara holds his hand out to Naruto and he uses his sand to guide his hand. Then he walks over to me and I take his hand in mine, "I will see you and Kasumi soon?" I smile softly, "Will come and visit I promise."

I activate my dragons mark just in time to hear Kakashi-nii yell a little, I turn and stiffen a laugh as Gai had Kakashi on his back. Lee bends towards me, "Come near me Lee and I will end you." He shivers and backs away taking off with Sakura's bag on his back.

"Hey Chiyo." I look over at Sakura, "You really are amazing you know." I blush a little with a smile and look up at the sky, I feel like something is going to happen soon...

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