Chapter 37

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Chiyo Pov

I groan a little as water hits me in the face and frown noticing a spiky ceiling, where the hell am I? I grunt a little as I sit up damn it my body hurts I cant hold that wood golem for long yet. "Touma any idea where we are?" He snickers slightly, "I shouldn't find this funny but after he hit you with his tall Isobu swallowed you whole hahaha." My eye twitches and I begin to walk so I was eaten by a giant turtle how fun. But wait Guren was with me so she must be in here too.

I walk to another opening and see Guren coming down, her eyes widen when she sees me and I assume on instinct she throws crystal kunai at me. "Hey its just me." She still holds her kunai up, "I won't let you take Yukimaru away from me."

My eyes soften, "You've come to care for him haven't you Guren." Her eyes widen for a second letting me know I hit right on the mark. "Look right now we are both in a place we don't wanna be and both of us are low on chakra so lets set aside our differences for now. That way we can find our way out of this turtles stomach."

I walk over to her slowly holding my hands up to show her I mean no harm, but her body begins to fall forward. I catch her before she hits the grown frowning when I realize just how much chakra she had used during the fighting. I lay her down gentle on her back and release my dragon mark, steam rolls of my body. Holding my hands over Guren's body I close my eyes in concentration, not long after she gasp and jumps away from me. I huff a little, "Ya know I wasn't done yet."

Her eyes widen and she looks down at her hands then back at me, "Y-You healed me? Why what is your plan Senju." I chuckle a little, "I have nothing planned don't worry. The reason I healed you is because your important to Yukimaru."

"Then that means Yukimaru is still by the lake." I close my eyes for a second, "He could be or your friends have him, or mine. If that's the case they probably took him back to the village then."

Guren growls a little, "Then after I pound you into the ground I'll go get him back." I scoff a little, "Ya right li-!" I spring to my feet immediately seeing as we are surrounded by tiny Isobu's, "What the hell." I dodge on as it tries to jump on me and we begin to jump backwards, "Guren jump!" She looks at me for a second but luckily does what I ask, "Wind style: Great breakthrough jutsu!" My jutsu hits dead on giving me and Guren a bigger lead on the tiny turtles.

We manage to find a hiding spot away from them and I shiver a little looking down at all of them. I walk back towards Guren who look deep in thought, "Stop staring at me like that." I frown as she looks up at me, "Like what."

"Like you can understand me you come from a well known clan, treated like royalty just for you last name." I chuckle a little, "Wow so the snake didn't really share that much information with you about me did he." She just glares at me and I sigh, "For the record I didn't even know I was a Senju until I was 12 and just arriving at the Village Hidden in the Leaf. I grew up in a supposed orphanage that abused children."

Her jaw drops clearly not expecting that, "So I may not fully understand what exactly your going threw Guren but I have a pretty good idea."

She grits her teeth, "I want to get him away from him Orochimaru." I tilt my head, "So you would just betray Orochimaru for Yukimaru."

"I'm just trying to give him a place he can return to a place he can call home!" I smile slightly, "Then lets figure out a way to get out of here. I'm sure he's missing you just as much as you are missing him." She looks at me surprised, "You're not going to take him from me?" I walk passed her, "Just like you're trying to give him a place to belong he is where you belong so who am I to rip you two apart."

"Multi Shadow clone jutsu." A thousand of my clones surround us running in different directions, "I was thinking we should split up to cover more ground. If you get in trouble just flare your chakra and I can get to you." Guren looks at me confused, "And how exactly would you do that." I smile cheekily, "Ah don't worry about it just do it if you are in trouble okay."

I body flicker behind Guren causing her to jump, "We have a problem." She huffs, "What's wrong?" I look around, "Those things they got every single one of my clones." Her eyes widen slightly, "Every single one?" I nod and turn towards the sound, "Well shit." Bigger versions of Isobu scare the little ones away, "Touma I might need your help."

I unseal my katana, "Guren stay behind me."

I can feel her chakra waver slightly but I just ignore it, "Dragon style: Dancing sword strike!" I slash my katana threw the air and black flames burst into life hitting the damn turtles dead on, "Guren now get on my back." Her cheeks turn pink, "Like hell I will." I growl a little, "And why the hell not!" She looks away slightly, "I still have a little pride left."

"Fuck your pride then." I pick her up bridle style, "Put me down baka!" I ignore here and jump off wall to wall going threw the hole in the ceiling, I look down and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. We walk away from the area putting some distance between us and those things, and decide to take a rest.

"Why would you protect me." I look at Guren from the corner of my eye, "Because I don't want Yukimaru to go threw the pain of losing someone he cares about." I stand up, "Since the clones where a bust I'm going to go look around myself, stay here and rest I'll be back soon." I jump away towards a ridge, only way to go it seems. I jump down and groan a little, fog really this just keeps getting better and better. I would just body flicker to Sakura or Kakashi-nii but my body still hasn't recovered enough physically, the dragon mark can only do so much and I'm going to need Touma's chakra for later.

I see a figure from the corner of my eye and run towards it, maybe someone else got stuck here, "Wait I can help!" But as soon as I get closer my eye's widen, "Sasuke?" He rushes at me with his katana and I barley manage to block before I jumped back. He cut me on my cheek which begins to heal.

I dodge his attacks, "What the hell are you doing here Sasuke!" I get pinned to the ground, "Guren what the hell."

"Snap out of it he isn't really here, its an illusion caused by the three-tails fog." I take a deep breath and she lets me up, "So it was Sasuke Uchiha." I turn to her, "You know him?" She nods, "I've seen him with Lord Orochimaru he scares me." I close my eyes for a moment, "Why was it you saw Sasuke of all people."

"Because he is important to me and I failed to help him. He may have betrayed my trust before but I made a promise to my teammates that we would get him back." Guren looks at me like I'm crazy then begins to laugh, "The hell you laughing at?" Before she can answer the fog begins to clear, it must be going somewhere.

"Shit where did they come from."

"They have use completely surrounded."

I stand a few steps in front of Guren, "Chiyo there's something I need to tell you. Yukimaru lost his Kaasan when he was younger I was the one who killed her." My eyes widen as I stare at her and she refuses to make eye contact. She was about to speak again but I cut her off, "Stop you don't have to tell me."

"But I-!"

"What happened is in the past now Guren the only think you can do now is do right by Yukimaru." Water comes flooding in and Guren's eyes widen, "It's Yukimaru he's trying to show us the way out of here." I grab pick Guren up bridle style, "Hang on!" I dodge the Isobu's and uses them to jump onto the edge, "Where both getting out of here."


Everything begins to turns around making me dizzy as hell, this better be the exit!

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