Chapter 61

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Chiyo Pov
I sit dead in the middle of the medical core headquarters ignoring all the shouts around me. Shizune and Sakura where on either side of me making sure no one got to close.

"132 total" I mutter to myself and slam my hands on the ground, wood spikes come out of the ground piercing certain individuals. The transformation jutsu drops revealing White Zetsus, trees begin to grow out of there bodys. I let out a breath and stand ignoring the stares around me.

"Don't worry I'm-!" Narutos clone looks around with wide eyes and jaw dropped.

"Damn it Chiyo I could have done it!" I chuckle a little, "Sorry Naru I couldn't wait for you forever." I take in his appearance so this is the nine-tails chakra under control. Its similar to how Touma's chakra cloak is just yellow. "Naru can you stay here as long as you can I need to be leaving soon." He grins, "You can count on me ya know!" I glance at Sakura and smile at her slightly trying to reassure her.

Shikaku's voice comes threw, "Chiyo did you take care of all the White Zetsu at the medical core?"

"Hai has just arrived here so I'll leave the rest to him."

"Good now go join Gaara and Lord Tsuchikage there about to face the four reanimated kage." I prick my finger and summon Rai hopping on his back, "Please take care!" Rai takes of at a decent pace, I don't want to drain him today. I have a feeling that I am going to need him and the other two alot today. As I got closer it wasn't hard to pinpoint the kage seeing as they have massive chakra signatures.

I frown when I notice a familiar chakra, so Gaara's Touchan is amoung them great.

"Its up to you to stop us but its not going to be easy." I body flicker in between them, "And that's where I come in Lord Raikage." Wood burst threw the stand causing the four to jump away, "A Senju with wood style this just got interesting!"

While there attention was on me, Gaara takes the chance to have his sand wrap around them. I move back by Onoki as Gaara's Touchan talks about everything he ever did. And my eyes soften when Gaara let's a few tears escape, at least he is now getting the closer he needed. The moment between the two come to an end when Gaara seals his Touchan. I dodge the Raikage as he smashes the spot I was standing, "Tell me who are your parents?"

I hum a little, "Jiraiya and Tsunade Senju." He smirks lightly, "So your there child you must be a monster in your own right then." I glance at the Mizukage, the bigger threat right now is the Raikage.

"Gaara go help Onoki with Lord Mu, Naruto's clone will be here in a bit." His eyes widen slightly and before he can say anything he pauses letting me know Shikaku was speaking with him. The Raikage rushes at me using the same jutsu A does, shit he's fast! I try to dodge but he hits me in my side I hear a small crack. I huff and look down at my armor seeing a small crack in it.

"Chiyo." I smirk slightly, "Stay back Temari I've got this! Gravity seal release!" The purple seals on my body glow for a minute before disappearing and my body feels lighter. "Please stop me young Senju."

My clone pops and I can feel the sage chakra enter my body, "Don't worry Lord Raikage you will be able to rest soon." Naruto lands next to me, "Chiyo I'm here to help!"

"Try to attack him with your Rasenshuriken." He smirks, "You've got it!" Naruto rushes in and the Raikage goes to dodge but Naruto shifts his attack hitting him in his side. But much to my annoyance it doesn't do any damage to him at all. I listen to a guy from the cloud as he yells at people with earth style to make a mud wall. He grabs the back of Naruto's shirt, "Hime come its to dangerous Lord Raikage is about to use his most powerful jutsu!" I ignore him and channel my chakra closing my eyes.

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