Chapter 39

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Chiyo Pov

I pop my neck stopping in a clearing, after we had gotten back to the village I had another mission lined up for me. I stop on a branch when I see a hawk circling above me, letting a low whistle out and it flies down landing on my shoulder. What could Kaachan want now it couldn't be another mission could it.

Chiyo you need to return to the village immediately, I have received word that Sasuke Uchiha has killed Orochimaru.

~Lady Fifth

I set the paper ablaze as the hawk flies off, so the Uchiha actually did it. "Seems he has gotten stronger." I scoff and pick up the pace, "Maybe he has but then again the limit on the body Orochimaru took those 3 years ago was reaching its end. He was no doubt weaker than normal so I wouldn't give him that much credit Touma."

"Hmm you are right now that we know he is on his own he may try to come and find you." I land on the path leading to the front gates, "Then let him come he's in for a shock if he thinks he can beat me now."

I body flicker to Kaachan office to see Sakura, Naruto and Touchan there with different expressions. "So you've told them then." All there attention turns to me as I walk to stand next to Naruto, "Chiyo you know! Now that Orochimaru is dead Sasuke will come back right?" I sigh, "No he's not, Itachi is still out there. And Sasuke isn't going to rest until he is dead, plus Touma has other thoughts..."

"Well what does he think Chiyo?" I look at both my parents, "That before he goes after Itachi directly he will come to fight me first." All there eyes widen in surprised, "And why the hell would he so that?!"

"When he first got the curse mark he went down to the cell I was being held in. There's no doubt that Sasuke sees me as the person he has to beat in order to know he is stronger than Itachi." Naruto grabs me by the shoulder and forces me to face him, "Your lying Sasuke wouldn't use you like that!" I look him dead in the eyes, "You forget he used me and Kasumi Naruto." He looks down clenching his fist, "It's just a thought there's nothing that says he will come after me soon."

"All right for now lets look for Itachi, where ever Itachi is there is a chance that Sasuke is near."

I body flicker away without another word, this new plan is risky I don't want the others to get in harms way. "You know whatever your thinking you shouldn't do."

"What do you want Oniisan." He comes to stand next to me as I look across the village, "Just came to make sure my little Imouto doesn't act on her own." I clench my fist, "I just don't want anyone to get hurt." He puts he's hand on my head and ruffles my hair, this time I don't slap his hand away. "You want to keep everyone safe as always but you forget that you have people that want to keep you safe as well."

Before I can say anything Touchan slaps me in the back, "Now now stop overthinking it and come grab a bite to eat with me and Naruto." I give Kakashi-nii a brief hug and body flicker both me and Touchan to Naruto's chakra signature.

We end up at Ichiraku ramen and I eat happily ignoring the other two beside me, man I didn't even realize I need this. "Hey Chiyo do you think you can beat Sasuke still?" I set me bowl down and scoff, "Naruto I'm a little offended you think just because duckbutt beat Orochimaru now he can beat me to. I still have tricks up my sleeve that I haven't used yet."

Touchan chuckles, "She's right Naruto Chiyo still has room to grow stronger as she is right now isn't her full power." I blush a little and avert my gaze away from them, "Aweee my little tadpole is blushing."

"She is! Wait till I tell Kiba!!"

"Both of you shut up!"

(Time skip next day)

We all land on the roof, all surrounding Kakashi-nii. "All right starting now our main objective is to capture Itachi. The Akatsuki are going around and capturing the tailed beast, we believe they already have the three-tails. According to the intel gathered by Jiraiya there is a chance they have already made there way into the Land of Fire looking for Naruto."

"Poor Isobu if only he would have sat still and let us seal him."

"Remember Itachi is originally from our village, 3 years ago he came here looking for Naruto" I close my eyes, and to think during that I was unconcise which lead to Kakashi-nii along with duckbutt being put in the hospital. "Chiyo will back up all of us and with her special mark will know when one of us is in danger."

I zone out as he explains the teams, "And then Chiyo I trust you can handle yourself." I smirk a little, "No need to worry about me."

"Scatter!" I head to the north for a few minutes then stop, something isn't right it feels like Sasuke's signature is coming from every direction. Does he have someone with him who is able to do that, or is this something else? I rest my hand on the ground lets see who else is in the area?

Shit Deidara is here and is that.....Sasuke!

I change direction quickly, damn it I don't have time to inform Kakashi-nii! Please forgive me everyone I'm going to do something stupid.

Sasuke pov

I watch with slight interest at what the Akatsuki member is doing, "Tobi run now!" The other one runs away yelling, as he pukes out the clay he was eating. My eyes widen when I noticed it form a large clone of himself, what the hell is this?

Shit I have to get away, but I've used a lot of chakra! "Art is an explosion!" The area gets ingulfed in a bright light as something grabs me. I wake up next to a river, "Y-You okay duckbutt." I push her away and she stumbles a little, "What the hell how did you find me!?"

Chiyo smirks blood coming from the corner of her mouth, "Baka have you forgotten I'm a sensory shinobi, I'll admit whoever you are traveling with is good but not good enough to hide from me." I smirk, "Well at least you have saved me the trouble of having to find you."

I try to take a step forward but collapse on one knee, "Tch like you even have enough chakra to move at all, if your going after Itachi I suggest you heal yourself first." She runs to walk away, "W-Wait I'm not done with you!"

She stops and looks at me over her shoulder, I freeze her eyes there just the same like they where when she fought Orochimaru in the chunin exams. There they eyes of a dragon, "I would use this as a chance to drag you back to the village. But you would just leave again so I'll let you go just this once, you're friends are on there way so just sit tight duckbutt."

She burst into flames just as Suigetsu gets there, "Sasuke man you're in rough shape who where you fighting and how did you end up out here?" Karin and Jugo come running, "there you are I felt your chakra signature with another person."

She looks around, "Doesn't matter she's gone." I clench the dirt under my fist, if it wasn't for her would I have made it out of there? Damn it am I still not as powerful as you Chiyo?!

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