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It's now dark. Y/N and Stephen are having their very first dance together as husband and wife. The room is lightly glowing with a bright yellow and soft pink on the dance floor making it feel warm as people watch Stephen take the lead in the dance to a soft melody on the violin. "You know I love you," Stephen whispers in her eye as they grow close to the end of the song. Y/N smiles brightly up to him "Always." next to dance was Tony as he walked up to them after the song ended and Stephen kisses her "Keep it to the bedroom. I would like to dance with my sister if you don't mind." he said taking her hand. Another song started and other people started dancing "I'm proud of you, Y/N/N." he said "You got married before me. I'm meant to be the older one." He jokes causing her to laugh lightly. "Thanks, Tony. I'm happy I found something I'm better at." she jokes back hugging him. "Hi, Mr Stark could I talk to my mom please?" Peter asks. Tony looks behind him seeing his nephew he smiles a little "Sure I got to talk to my brother-in-law." Tony said looking to Stephen who was talking to Steve. "Please do not kill him," Y/N asks, laughing as Peter grabs her hand pulling her outside to the garden where the stars are on full display.

"Ok, Pete what do you want to talk about?" she asks looking into the eyes of her son, he was dressed in a suit that looked perfect with the white shirt and light blue tie. "Frist closes your eyes," he said. she laughs as her eyes close. She can hear something being pulled from his pocket and a click before he told her to open her eyes. She looks down to see Peter holding a small box with a necklace within it. The sliver shines in the moonlight turning it a light blue colour on the centre of the box sat a heart that had 'My Family' in Stephens calligraphy handwriting, Peter then opens the heart to show the picture of Y/N, Stephen, Lily, Howard and himself. It was the first photo that they had taken with the twins. Y/N looks up at Peter with a tear rolling her cheek as she pulls him into a warm hug "I love you, Pete." she said with a smile. Peter quickly returns the hug "I love you too, mum."

Meanwhile, Tony and Stephen both see an unwanted person walking in "Who invited him?" Tony asked looking at the man with too much gel in his hair. "What? Why would I invite my wife's ex-boyfriend to our own wedding?" Stephen asks as Y/N and Peter walk back in. She sees Loki she gets this feeling of wanting to punch him, but designed not to. "What are you doing here Loki?" she asks. Loki looks at her with a smirk "What can't a man come here to see my son nor the love of my life?" he questions, with fake shock in his voice. "Answer her question Loki. What are you doing here?" Stephen repeats protectively standing in front of Y/N and his step-son. "You took the one thing I want." Loki splits out, his cold eyes looking at Stephen with all the hate in the world. "Which is?" Stephen asks, guessing the answer.

 This however is wrong as what Loki said next shocked everyone "To raise a child. You didn't let me raise mine." Loki said his voice a bit weaker. Stephen just looks at the mad god "Well I didn't fake my death. It's your own fault." Stephen loudly states it's true he nor Y/N stop Loki from raising Peter it was his own doing faking his death, hell she didn't even know Stephen when Peter was little. "Either way, I'll raise a son. Even if it's not my own blood. As long it has some of her." Loki smiles evilly as he points to Y/N. Her eyes are so wide that they could roll out her skull. "Howard?" she whispers as fear fills her eyes. Tony hears this and runs off shouting for the young boy. Wanda runs in looking pale and also wide-eyed as some blood rolls off her head "I-I'm sorry." she weakly said. This is where Y/N falls to the ground sobbing as Stephen hugs her also crying hearing many of her friends and family call for the youngest Stark. The only thing Stephen could think of was his beloved wife crying and his first and only son has been taken by a monster. He wraps his arms around her rocking back and forth a bit, as Y/N breaks down. His own tears come out as he hears Tony mumble that if he saw Loki again he'll kill him. Which wouldn't happen as he'll already be dead at Stephen's hand.

Who said it was easy?- Stephen Strange x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now