6- 3 Days Later

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"How is she?" Stephen asks walking into the room that Y/N has been in for the last 3 days. she looks paler than normal with a blue top on and black pants. Tony, who hasn't been sleeping, sits next to her resting his head near her left hand on the white sheets. "How do you think she is?!" he shouts his head shooting up glaring at the wizard at the foot of the bed. He sinks back into his chair placing his head in his hands, shaking a little "I promised." he said barely bearable. "What?" Stephen asks looking at Tony, he hasn't showered and is wearing a red shirt and jeans while Stephen wears a grey shirt with a black cardigan with blue jeans on. "My parents. I promised them she'd be safe. Now look, she was taken, and shot." Tony said. Stephen sits on the right side of Y/N looking at how she looks more like death itself. "It's not your fault. It could have happened to any one of us." Stephen says he looks at the man across from him. "Stephen?" a weak voice says, he looks down at the pale girl and sees her brown eyes looking at him they have lost their shine, it is just a dull brown now. " Y/N," he says happily. She looked at the blue-grey eyes of the wizard. " And your brother is also here," Tony said jokingly. He hugs her, her eyes get glossy, "Sorry did I hurt you?" he asks pulling back, getting up he walks to the door, "I'll get the doctor." he walks out.

Who said it was easy?- Stephen Strange x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now