Chapter Thirty Two

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Chapter Thirty Two

I walked out of Gabe’s bedroom and followed my father down the hall, I was feeling a little nervous about seeing Tony. I still felt hurt and betrayed by what he had done, but I also felt guilty about what I had done with Gabe.

My father stopped at a wooden door and turned back and looked at me. “Are you sure you are ready to see him? You don’t have to do this now.”

I take a deep breath a nod my head slowly at him “I’m sure I’m ready.”

My father nodded his head at me before stepping away from the door, “He is in there” He said pointing to the door. “I will give you some time alone with him. The door does not open from the inside so knock when you are ready to leave.”

“Ok” I say as I walk over to the door, I pause for a moment before reaching slowly for the door knob and opening it. A metallic smell hit my nose as soon as the door opened. I walked into the room and my eyes widened in shock and fear. I opened my mouth to call my father but a loud screamed escaped instead. My father rushed into the room and cursed before turning towards me “Come outside the room” He tells me.

I push the hand he had placed on my arm off and ran across the room to the bed where Tony laid. His entire body was covered in blood, his head was tuned towards the door and his opened empty eyes stared at me. I raced over to the bed and despite the fact that I already knew he was dead I shook his body. “Wake up Tony!” I shouted as I shook him “You can’t be dead wake up!” When I got no response again I cried out “No!” I climbed onto the bed and picked his cold stiff body up in my arms. He was dead, and judging by how stiff his body was, he had been dead for a while,

“Who did this?” I asked in between sobs. “WHO!” I screamed when my father didn’t answer.

“I don’t know” He said

I cradled Tony in my arms and rocked him back and forth, this was all my fault. Was all that kept repeating in my head. “If I hadn’t have dated him my mother wouldn’t have tricked him, he would never have been involved with angels and demons, he would never had been brought here to hell and killed most likely while I was sleeping with Gabe. The guilt that flooded me when I had that thought had become too much. “All my fault” I mumbled.

“No its not” My father said. “You are not to blame for this, I will find out who is responsible and they will pay with their life I promise you.”

His words did little to comfort me and I continued to rock Tony back and forth. “All my fault.” I mumbled “I’m so sorry Tony” I said burying my head into his neck, not caring that I was getting his blood all over me.

“Shit!” I heard Gabe’s voice say from a distance “Who the hell did this?”

“I don’t know, but whoever did it is dead.” My father said.

“Is she ok?” I heard Gabe ask.

“I don’t know” My father said sighing loudly “Her thoughts are all jumbled right now, it’s too hard to get a good read on them.”

“We need to move her and the body, she can’t stay sitting there holding his body.”

I pulled Tony’s body tighter against mine when I heard him say that. This was all my fault Tony did not deserve to die here. Id my mother hadn’t have taken him to her house he would have been safe. I stopped rocking when that thought hit me, it want just my fault it was hers as well.

I lifted my head from Tony’s neck and looked at my father and Gabe both standing there looking at me with a worried expression across their faces.

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