Chapter Five Part Two

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Cleveland, Ohio - 4:56 pm. - August 23, 2002

Petey Running Cloud beamed with pride as he stood next to his mother and uncle. He had asked if they could try and talk to one of the baseball players after the game, and right now, he was getting his chance. Rodney Crandell, one of the Yankees top hitters, was coming down the small hallway as the three waited. Petey was decked out in his Yankees jersey and ball cap, an odd sight to see for so many Cleveland fans wandering about. Ever since Petey could walk and talk, he'd always watched baseball games. Often times he would badger his mother to drive to Toronto to see a Jays game. But now, he was getting something better. A chance to talk to one of the best in baseball.

“Hi there, folks,” Crandell said with a smile as he reached out to shake both Maxwell and Naomi's hand. “I was told there was someone who had asked to see me.” He looked down to Petey and smiled as he saw the gear he was wearing. “Guess that must mean you were asking, huh? Must be pretty important, then.”

Petey was all nerves as Crandell walked down the hall. But the ball player's big smile and kind eyes washed any nerves away, and Petey launched into a tirade of questions and topics. Crandell could only laugh as Petey named off five games where the Yankees had near record setting plays, Crandell himself knocking the ball out of the park three times. The big leaguer was impressed. All this coming from an eight year old.

As the pair talked, Naomi's cell phone rang. She excused herself and stepped to the side to answer it, speaking in hushed tones so as not to interrupt the conversation her son was having. "Hello," she said in a quiet tone, and looked back to Maxwell as he gave her a sideways glance.

"Agent Running Cloud," the voice on the other end stated. "This is Inspector Juan Cortez, Columbus Police Department. We received a call from your office early this morning with instructions and information. We've been tipped about a possible terrorist threat at the convention. One that you seemed to alert to CSIS. We'd like to work with you on this, as it seems you've done a good deal of leg work already."

"Yes, Inspector," she replied with a small smile. Amanda had done her work well, pushed the proper paperwork through in record time. "I had noticed something odd at the convention dinner and contacted my people. I had hoped that we would be able to work together on this one."

"We would be more than happy to have both of you on this, Agent," Cortez announced. Naomi smiled and turned to look at Maxwell. Her brother furrowed his brow for a moment as he tried to determine what it was she might be plotting.

"I'll tell my brother right away," she said into the receiver. "When shall we meet you."

"If you could meet us at nine in the morning tomorrow," Cortez replied without hesitation. "Main station house. Captain Schwartz will be handling the details."

"Good to hear Inspector. We'll see you in the morning then." She quickly rang off and looked again to her brother as she pocketed her cell phone. "Remember the information we dug up last night?" she said to him in a whispered voice.

"Yes," Maxwell said with as his smile faded slightly, the pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place. "So we're being asked to assist, I assume."

"We've got until morning to gear up and go meet the Captain," she informed him. “Guess bringing the wings was a smart idea.”

Maxwell nodded as he crossed his arms. "Well, only one thing left to do." He looked toward Petey as the boy was getting his jersey autographed by Crandell. Maxwell didn't have to say anything. Naomi knew that her brother's look would lead to a question about a baby sitter.

“We can ask your friend,” Naomi suggested. “Professor Phipps. He seemed to take a shine to Petey when we last met him.”

Maxwell nodded in agreement. “I can give him a call when we get back.” Naomi nodded and took a deep breath. They'd wait until both Petey and Crandell had finished talking before heading back to Columbus. At least the drive would be a leisurely one, and they could prepare in the evening when they returned.

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