Chapter Three Part Three

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12:34 am. - August 23, 2002

"We have a problem," Operative Indigo Beta said as she looked up from the computer terminal. Omega Six stood nearby, having been pacing back and forth as she put in her research. Finally, after several minutes, she had everything she needed. Operative Violet Rose walked over to view her findings, he furrowed his brow as he looked closely. Indigo turned in her chair to gage her commanding officer's reaction. As always, it was the same thing. Walker took out his cigarette holder, removed a custom rolled Pall Mall and lit it. "She's a spook, Sir. Former Canadian military, now with CSIS," she summarized for them all, her Italian accent softened after the years. "Rumour has it, she is in a very black ops division of CSIS. But no one, not even the Red Hand, has information on which branch."

Walker nodded as he listened to the information, taking a long pull on the cigarette. He remained silent as he looked to each of his soldiers. Omega Six, Indigo Beta , Grey 626, and Crimson Luna. Each of them had not argued with Walker when he made his decision. They were in, and they'd stay by him. They almost anticipated his next words. "She could be a silver linin' in this here sow's ear we got ourselves inta."

"There is more, Sir," Indigo stated. "She is a guest at the convention. While her background in civilian life is in archeology, her brother is the one who was asked to come. Professor Maxwell Running Cloud, Masters Degree in Native American History from the University of British Columbia, Degree in Natural Sciences, specializing in ornithology. Two years ago, he accepted a position at the University of Saskatchewan's Historical Department."

"An academic?" Walker asked.

Indigo turned to her terminal and tapped in a few keys. A news video began playing, though the sound was muted. "At the time Professor Running Cloud accepted the position in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, reports of a vigilante the media dubbed Hawk's Scream began making appearances. It was later revealed that Hawk's Scream and Maxwell Running Cloud are one in the same."

"An' Lieutenant Runnin' Cloud?" Walker said as he took another pull on the cigarette. "She got more 'n just military background?" He watched the screen a moment as he rubbed the knuckles of his left hand. Indigo caught sight of the action, and turned to watched for a moment. All of Walker's agents were familiar with his condition. Something that crept up upon everyone. Old age. His bones were suffering the affects of Arthritis. Indigo turned back to the keyboard as Walker looked to her. He chuckled slightly. "What I tell ya 'bout lookin' at me that way? I'm old, I ain't dead." He motioned toward the terminal again. "'Bout Miss Runnin' Cloud."

"Mrs. Simonson, actually," Indigo corrected. "Naomi married a Captain Peter Simonson. They met while on mission in Bosnia. Married not long after her brother was married. As Omega Six observed, and I also witnessed, she has a son.” She paused to tap the keys again, bringing up more information. “Strangely, both brother and sister are also widower and widow." Indigo tapped her keyboard again, almost as though a moment of silence was needed. Of all those in the Red Hand, this crew had the greatest respect for life, and knew the internal struggle they dealt with by taking a life. It was probably what made them the most human. "But as you requested, Sir, Lieutenant Running Cloud has a code name known to the Red Hand. Many believe it is a moniker in homage to her brother." She looked back to Walker, noting his full attention was on her words. "Grey Kestrel."

Walker snorted a laugh and finished his cigarette, tossing it to the ground and crushing it under his boot heel. "Birds o' a feather. Maybe they can both help us."

"Orders, Sir," Monty stated quickly.

"Our orders," Walker said to Monty, then turned to face all his agents. "Make it look good. Them kids do not get killed. We get a trail offa them fast, an' maybe the Red Hand'll stop chasin' 'em." He looked to each agent for a moment before continuing on. "Anyone here who don't like this idea, yer free ta walk out now. This here's my decision." He was going to wait a moment, but each of his agents quickly piped up their support. All or nothing, they were in and backing his play. The old gun hand nodded and smiled, the sound in his ears of their conviction outweighed the pain in his bones a thousand fold. With them, he could fight heaven and hell. "Good. Now let's get ta work."

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