Chapter 45

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The next morning I woke up to her peacefully sleeping away, and over 80 notifications. Why did I have so many missed calls? 1 from Lèo which makes sense i guess but then there were multiple from Mum, Ems, Maddi, Hazza and... Léos parents. Léo. What's happened? Somethings happened to him. I called him but it went straight to answer phone. No. No. No. No. No. Please. No. I tried again but still no answer. Fuck you Léo. I jumped out of bed and ran onto the balcony just incase it was something to do with the signal. Nothing. Then another call came from Maddi.
"Maddi what's happened?" I said as soon as I accepted the call.
"Have you seen Léo?"
"No why? Maddi tell me whats happend?"
"He's been outed, Type."
"What? Maddi what happened?"
"Type, you gotta come back to England and we'll explain it all.
"Okay okay, I'm coming." I said swiftly hanging up and throwing my clothes on. "El, get up."

"Huh?" She said rubbing her eyes sleepily
"Get up right now."
"Whats happened?"
"We have to go back to England."
"Léos disappeared."
"Stop asking dumb questions and get the fuck up." I yelled
"Get up or I'm going without you."
"Okay okay." She said getting up and putting on the dress she wore last night because apparently none of the other clothes she brought were 'appropriate' to be seen in England with, let alone the Royal family.

The flight felt like it lasted days. But eventually we got back home and as soon as I stepped into the room I felt cold. "I want the guards to leave the room." I said
"Type..." my mother started
"They've been with me every second, every day, even on my honeymoon. Please get out and take Eleanor too."
"Type!" El protested
"Out." I said calmly.
"Whatever." She said rolling her eyes but allowing herself to be escorted to her room.
"Whats happened?" I asked and they all shared a look. "Tell me."
"There are public photos of Léo." Maddi said carefully choosing her words
"What do you mean?"
"With men, Type."
"I don't understand"
"Everyone knows he's gay."
"Say its not him."
"The photos are clear enough." She told me
"We can sort it out."
"I don't know"
"We can try." I demanded
"Okay." She nodded everyone else still silent.
"Where did he go?"
"I don't know." She shook her head.
"Well we gotta find him."

"Prince Type," Léos mother started
"Type. Just Type." I said again
"Were you involved with my son?"
"What's your definition of involved?"
"You know what she means." Harrold said coldly.
"Harrold," his father warned.
"Type tell them," Maddi prompted
"Yes. I was involved with Léo."
"Why did you never tell me?" My mum said angrily.
"It was never the right time..."
"We could have prevented all of this."
"We all knew he was gay!" I shouted "this isn't my fault. I didn't do this to him!"
"Yes you did!" Harrold yelled. I'd never seen a negative emotion cross his face until now. Everyone was angry. This is so fucked up.
"No I didn't! I loved him!" As soon as I said the words I regretted them.

"You... loved him." My mother repeated
"No. Yes. Maybe. I guess? I don't know."
"He did." Maddi spoke up
"I can't believe you knew." Harrold shook his head pacing up and down.
"What did you want me to do? Hmm? Tell them to stop? There's nothing wrong with it."
"I know that, and you know that. England? Nope. England don't know that." Harrold sat down eventually and gestured for me to do the same.
"I'm sorry okay." I said sitting down
"No its not okay." My mother shook her head "if we knew we could have stopped all of this"
"I know."
"Do you?" Harrold butted in again
"This isn't helping." Léos mother said standing up. "Please can we just find my son."
"I'll do whatever I can." I promised
"Prince Type, I say this as if you were my sons boyfriend and not a prince," she started
"Yes." I nodded

"Once we get Léo back I don't want you near him okay?"
"What?" I said taken aback
"I'm sorry Prince Type, but I don't want you near my son." She repeated quietely and I stood up in protest but Léos dad blocked me
"Sit down your Highness." He sad calmly
"I'll see Léo if I want to. You can't stop me."
"I can and I will." She said rasing her voice
"No you fucking can't. I need him." I told her.
"He doesn't need you."
"Please." I begged "I need him."
"I'm sorry your Highness."
"Type back off." Harrold warned
"Hazza please."
"No. Mums right. You've done too much already."
"I love him." I'd never said that before. Not even to him. He'd said it so many times to me and only now am I saying it. I'm so fucked up.

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