Chapter 6

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The next morning was hell. Every Sunday I have to play piano. To say the least, I hate it. But I have to keep up appearances. Piano, football, singing, dancing, I can do it all.
"Bonjour, mon ange." I heard stopping mid way though song
"Dude, stop with the French."
"That's odd, people usually like when I speak French." He winked as I turned around
"Sure if thats your thing."
"Is it yours?"
"Nope." It's kinda hot.
"Ça va, ça va." He muttered
"I thought that meant how are you?"
"It means okay too. Most French words have multiple English meanings."
"Hmm." I hummed before continuing my song.

"Good morning, your highness." Harrold bowed as he entered. "Morning Léo."
"Don't I get a bow?"
"No, you don't."
"Rude." He said but he didn't stop smiling still. Who is naturally this happy in the morning?
"Help yourself to breakfast or our morning chef is in the kitchen." I said over my playing
"Thank you." He nodded "but I wanted to have a word with you actually." Oh for fuck sake
"I've spoken to your mother, your Highness, please don't think any less of me."
"Your mother believes it's time for you to prepare to be married." Oh. There was a cold silence for a moment.
"Léo leave the room." I said sharply
"Type..." he started
"Leave the room and stop calling me that you are not my equal, now leave." I over took calmly, keeping my voice level like I'd always been told to.
"Fine." He said and all though I couldn't see him I felt him glaring at me.

"Yes your Highness."
"We've discussed candidates..."
"Who?" I repeated forcefully
"There's Leonor Princess of Spain, Pauline Ducruet of Monaco, of course there's princess Aiko of Japan."
"Dude she's only 19."
"You're close aren't you?"
"Yes, but she's 19."
"Of course Prince Type," he breathed deeply
"Go on." I allowed
"Princess Maria Olympia of Greece and Denmark. She's 24."
"I know how old she is." I snapped rolling my eyes
"Or there's my sister." He said his face glowing red.
"Um, right." I nodded backing away "I shall keep that in mind."
"Of course your Highness." He sighed "your mother told me to inform you of the garden party at 1pm too."
"Sure." I nodded leaving and practically running towards my room.

"Fucking weddings." I muttered throwing on my garden party lounge suit. That means no tie. Yay.
"Prince Type." I heard a knock at my door.
"Come in." I called as I did up my last few buttons
"Oh I'm sorry." Maddi said turning around
"You can look at me Maddi." I smiled
"It's not appropriate." She giggled
"Yes Prince Type?"
"How old are you?"
"Oh push me off a cliff." I groaned
"Nothing." I shook my head "what about Léo?"
"20 and Harrold is 27." Léo's 20? Fuck. I'm 2 years older than him. I'm not sure if thats normal.
"Thanks. What did you need me for?"
"Excuse me?"
"Why are you hear?" I chuckled
"Oh. I was wondering if I could borrow a jacket."
"Oh yeah sure." I nodded walking towards the wardrobe. "Take whatever."
"Thank you." She curtsied before taking one of my best lilac blazers.
"Lilac looks good on you." I complimented
"Thank you." She smiled blushing furiously. She's really pretty.
"How are you liking it here?" I asked as we stood in awkward silence
"It's lovely." She giggled "thank you for letting us stay here." Wasn't my idea at all.
"Yes of course. It's nice having you here."
"Really?" Poor girl
"Okay, I gotta finish getting ready." I hinted
"Oh, yeah, sorry." She curtsied again before leaving the room. I can't wait to get my alone time back.

"Arthur is so lovely." Emily gushed on the phone.
"Em, are you listening? I have to get married!'
"He's so romantic..."
"Why can't I pick who it is?"
"We stayed up all night..."
"My mother is so supportive of me marrying Maddi who is 18..."
"Talking of course, nothing else..."
"But she'd turn in her grave if I married a man..."
"I really like him..."
"Léo is annoying me now though..."
"He says I'm the prettiest girl he's ever seen..."
"He's worse than Harrold, always speaking in something other than English..."
"Arthur really likes me..."
"Léo doesn't like me at all..."
"And I really like him."
"And I don't really like him either."
"I miss you, Type." She said when we stopped talking about our own issues
"I miss you too, Em. Why aren't you coming to the party?"
"Me and Arthur have to do couple bonding stuff."
"Bonding." She yelled down the phone.
"It's good your happy."
"I don't want to marry him but as far as arranged marriages go I think I've done pretty well."
"Well aren't you lucky." I replied with a hint of saltiness
"I'm sure you'll get someone absolutely grand, Ty."
"Fingers crossed." I muttered

"What was this about Harrolds brother, Léo?"
"He's getting on my nerves."
"Sounds like you've got a crush to me." She laughed
"A crush?"
"Yep I think you have a little crush on Léo."
"I don't know the guy."
"He's hot though, right?"
"Then I think you have a little crush."
"I don't think that's how crushes work."
"Sure they do." She giggled
"Whatever, Ems, I need to go.
"Bye I love you."
"Love you too."

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