Chapter 15

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"Hey Type." Emily said walking into my room.
"Go away."
"I'm sorry I've been so busy."
"I want to stay angry but I need to talk about something." I rushed
"Okay sure." She grinned happily
"I kissed Léo."
"You what?" She no longer looked happy.  Now it was more of an annoyed 'are you crazy' stare.
"I know. I'm stupid. I know, okay? I regretted it afterwards but... it was nice."
"Nice? You risked everything for a kiss that was 'nice'?"
"Um, yeah."
"How did he react?"
"He didn't really. I haven't seen him since. I've been avoiding him."
"Of course you have," she shook her head.
"What do you expect me to do?"
"I don't know! It's hard telling you to go make our with a dude when it was only a few weeks ago I told you I liked you!"
"You have a Fiancé now, Em." I groaned
"Yeah, I know."
"I have no one."
"You have me." She said looking down at her hands
"I know."
"I wish I was enough for someone."
"Em you are. I want someone to love though."
"I don't think Arthur loves me."
"Why's that?"
"All we do is argue. We can't even agree on the colour of our fucking wedding chairs."
"I guess they'll be staying for quite a while then?"
"At this rate they'll never get to leave." She told me angrily

"Em, do you hate me?"
"No, of course not."
"I do." I shook my head. I didn't want her sympathy but at that moment I did need it.
"You're the Prince of fucking England, Type. People would kill to be in your position and you're feeling sorry for yourself cause you're into men? Dude build a bridge and get the fuck over it." She doesn't get it. I thought she would but she'll never get it.
"Right." I sighed "of course you're right."
"For what it's worth I think you should try it with Léo, he might surprise you."
"I think you should go, Emily."
"Please." My voice broke
"Okay. I have some wedding stuff but I'll be back later or maybe tomorrow."
"Okay." And there goes my best friend. She gets to marry someone who will stay with her forever and have beautiful children and everyone will be happy for her and everyone will attend her wedding and everyone will send gifts and cards. I wanna have that. I'm going to have that. I'm gonna marry Eleanor. She's sweet and beautiful and funny. She'd be a good wife. I know she would.

A few hours later there was a knock at my door
"Type?" Why does everyone wanna talk all of a sudden?
"Can I come in?"
"Type, please"
"Fine." Since when was it so hard to avoid people?
"About yesterday."
"Nothing happened."
"No. Nothing happened." I interrupted
"It did."
"Please, Léo."
"What? I'm not gonna tell anyone if thats what you're worried about." Thank god for that.
"It was the adrenaline. I'm sorry okay? It won't happen again."
"It won't?"
"No. It was a one time thing. It wasn't even a proper kiss, it was a peck really and in some countries that's how you greet people. You're French."
"I don't greet people with a kiss when I'm half naked."
"I wasn't half naked!" I protested
"I think we should talk about this more."
"I don't."
"So it never happened?"
"It never happened." I agreed.

"That means we can go out right?"
"Like outside the mansion?"
"Yeah." He nodded
"Nope. Not at all."
"Dude we have to."
"No we don't."
"Yeah we do."
"Why?" I groaned.
"Have you not seen what's been happening online?"
"I don't have social media." I stated
"People think you hate us being here. Photos got leaked of you drunk at the charity dinner." Oh crap.
"Fine. Okay. We can do that."
"Don't stand too close to me. Or touch me. Or call me Type."
"That'll make it worse." He chuckled
"We're not friends."
"You keep saying that."
"Well we aren't!"
"Then act. You can do that can't you?"
"Fine. You wanna see me act? You'll see me act."

"Mum." I said walking into her room.
"Knock." She reminded not even looking up from her paper.
"Mum." I said again knocking on the open door
"Yes, darling."
"Is it true about the leaked photos?"
"Who told you about that?"
"Yep. But we have it under control." She said giving me a forced smile
"So I don't have to act like we're mates?"
"Well, that would help." She replied after thinking for a moment
"I don't like him."
"Then get closer to Harrold."
"He's stuck up."
"Type Windsor! Don't talk about our guests like that. Harrold is a lovely young man." My mum smiled
"Ugh. Whatever. You never say that about me."
"You are a lovely young man too."
"Thanks." I grinned
"But please try with Léo. He seems a bit out there but I'm sure he's great."
"He isn't."
"Type." She warned
"Fine. But only today."
"Only today." She agreed
"You owe me one."
"No I don't."

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