Chapter 37

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"I don't know what you're on about." He said backing away but I kept him in place with my hands on his hips.
"How often do you come here?"
"Not very. " he shrugged
"Well I'm gonna make you cum in here one more time." I grinned pushing him backwards into the book case where multiple of the books fell out.
"Hmm?" He was so pretty. I stood for a second admiring him. I could see my reflection in his eyes and hear his gentle breathing. I wanted all of him.
"Fuck me." He said looking me dead in the eye.
"I will." I told him. "At some point."
"Hmm, no."
"Oh okay." He nodded looking down and I forced him to look back at me.
"I'm not ready."
"Oh I'm sorry, that's fine." He smiled and I could tell it really was. He really didn't mind.

"You're really pretty." I told him kissing his cheek.
"You think so?"
"Yeah really." I kissed his other cheek and then swiftly on his mouth.
"Type can I ask something?"
"I know you don't wanna have sex and thats 100% okay but would you being okay with trying things without that?"
"In what way?" I asked continuing to kiss his neck.
"Like... pain."
"Pain?" I remember him mentioning it but I ignored it slightly.
"Just pain play it doesn't have to be sexual or it can just be bruising like you sometimes do but, you know, more."
"I'm not sure..."
"Of course we don't have to, I just thought it would be fun."
"I'm not a kinky person." I told him "but I'm open to trying stuff."
"We don't have to." He said again
"Nah I wanna try it."
"Yeah, really. No promises I'll be any good though."
"I'm sure you'll be good at it." He smiled.

"So what sort of, um..." I started how does one initiate something like that.
"Type chill,"
"I'm chill."
"I'm yours. Do whatever you want." God that was a line. I could do whatever I wanted.
"If its too much just tell me to stop." I told him
"Yeah I know." He nodded
"Okay." I breathed pushing him against the book shelf again "you smell so good." I trailed my hand up his chest before wrapping it gently around his throat. I felt him swallow underneath my hand and applied pressure on the sides of his neck. Enough to leave some form of mark like he wanted. I kissed him gently biting his lower lip as I pulled away. Here we were and now I didn't know what to do. With my other hand I undid his shirt buttons and took it off. I shouldn't have agreed to this. My multitasking skills are so bad. I leant down and started biting at the skin of his chest. Not in the way of leaving hickeys in a way of I was physically biting him. He was breathing much heavier now so I must have been doing something right.

"Harder." He groaned, I wasn't sure if he meant the choking or biting so I just went harder with both. I unzipped his jeans and started jerking him off because I wasn't sure where else this could have gone. Fuck he was really getting into this. I stopped biting him and checked he was still alive before kissing him, really stopping any oxygen intake he was getting.
"Type, I'm gonna cum!" I love how he told me before every time like a warning.
"Okay," I know that's the least hot thing I could have said but it was a tricky situation. He came a few second later and collapsed into me.
"Fuck." He mumbled
"Yeah, that exactly." I nodded before admiring the red marks around his throat.
"You can go harder next time, I can take it." He told me. Should I be concerned?
"Tell me stuff you like." I said sitting down on one of the seats and bringing him with me.
"I'm not sure I haven't had a chance to test any of it out yet." He confessed
"What do you want to try?"
"Candle wax," he started. That seems chill "hot melted chocolate sounds fun, maybe knife play."
"Hmm no. I have no skill with a knife I'd have no idea what I was doing."
"You could learn."
"Yeah but until then no, I'm not gonna risk killing you." I said actually concerned that I could.
"Okay fine, I wanna wear a collar. Not like pet play like a you own me kinda way. But not like a bdsm thing just a cute little leather collar that you can, you know, throw me around with." Fuck I'm in deep with this shit.
"Okay sure? Anything else?"
"Pain wise? Just a fuck tone of bruises but other than that no."

"Léo I'm not sure if I wanna do all this crazy kink stuff."
"Thats cool." He smiled cuddling into me "I just thought it would be fun."
"I'll try some of it." I promised
"Its okay, you don't need to." And he said it in a way that made me know he wasn't guilt tripping me, he genuinely didn't mind.

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