Chapter 27

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The next morning my life came crashing down. What happened was on the front of every newspaper. This wasn't supposed to happen. Emily's engagement was supposed to be in it's place. None of the newspapers got the story though. Instead they all agreed on a story of their own. A photo of me screaming at Léo. Instead of 'GAY' plastered over it. It said 'PRINCE OF ENGLAND FIRES RACIST LANGUAGE AT LÉO TUSSAINT' and 'ASIAN ISN'T WHITE ENOUGH FOR THE RACIST ROYALS.' but the worst of them read 'TYPE WINDSOR BREAKS DOWN AT THE THOUGHT OF AN ASIAN IN HIS HOME.'

I suddenly felt incredibly sick. I ran to the bathroom and threw up with tears rolling down my cheeks. I couldn't breathe. All my emotions were flooding me now and I couldn't do anything but scream. So I did.

"Type!" Léo was banging on the door.
"Leave me alone!" I screamed but instead he came running in along with 5 body guards including Simon. Léo picked up my phone with the articles still on there and he went a sickly pale colour.
"Type..." he pulled me towards him hugging me tightly and I continued crying
"Léo, they have it all wrong." I sobbed. I've never cried so much in 2 days.
"I know, I know."
"Léo." I didn't want him to let me go. Everything felt so loud.
"I'm here." He soothed "I'm here."

A few hours later he'd gotten me to leave the bathroom and I was sat in a meeting with the Queen herself.
"We are going to need to solve this somehow." She sighed "how could you let this happen, Caroline?"
"I wasn't aware of it." My mother said quietly.
"What was the fight really about?" The queen said turning to me.
"Um it was-"
"It was about a video." Léo interrupted.
"What video?" The Queen asked locking eyes with me. She may have been old but she was intimidating.
"Just a tiktok video we made." I replied looking away.
"Tik tok?"
"Its a social media platform." My mother said for us.
"Social media? You know you can't have social media." The Queen said continuing to stay calm.
"Thats what the fight was about, I posted it and Type was worried about it. It got over 1.6 billion views."
"1.6 billion views?" She repeated
"1.6 billion views." He nodded
"Take it down." My mother said hastily
"No. Don't." The Queen told him. "Let me see the video." Léo took out his phone and showed the dance video.

"Yes your Highness?" Simon bowed
"Set up and interview with 3 of the most popular shows for Type to tell his side and Léo too."
"Yes your Highness."
"In the mean time, you two need to make more of these videos and get noticed by more paparazzi whilst you're civil."
"I'm so sorry about this." Léo apologised.
"I understand." She nodded
"Nana," I started she hated me calling her that but I continued to do so. "Do you hate me?"
"No of course not, Type." She frowned
"I'm sorry I've messed up again."
"You haven't." She shook her head.
"I have."
"This has nothing to do with what you did, the papers twisted what you said."
"He said nothing about my race at all." Léo told her
"They hear what they want to hear." She shrugged.

An hour later me and Léo were sat in a restaurant surrounded by people and cameras. For once the guards weren't protecting me. It felt different being sat with him now. Before when it was just us it was casual and fun. Now it was tense like walking on egg shells. What are we supposed to talk about?
"How's the salmon?" Léo asked
"Great." I smiled. We had to change something here. Even in the photos it would obviously look incredibly formal.
"So Eleanor," Good talking subject Léo congrats. "how's everything going there?" He grinned as if thats not what started this whole thing.
"amazing actually." I nodded. What else do I say from there?
"I'm seeing someone right now actually." Fuck.
"Oh who?"
"I'll tell you later." He laughed the atmosphere was still incredibly awkward

We eventually finished up after a good amount of small talk and he took me to a park. The cameras weren't as close now so we could talk more casually.
"Lets make a tiktok." Léo said jumping up and pulling me with him.
"Umkay." I hummed I was getting tired already.
"Yes this is exhausting."
"Lets just make a tiktok then we can go home."
"Okay." I agreed
"Another dance?"
"Yeah." I nodded
"Okay I have one."

"Hmm?" He continued scrolling through what I'm guessing was tiktok audios.
"It's all gonna be okay right?"
"Yeah course." He nodded looking at me
"I'm sorry about what I said."
"Its okay."
"I've changed my mind."
"Type really you don't-" he started but I didn't let him finish
"I don't wanna just be your friend." I said with a sharp breath in
"No. You should be with Eleanor." He said but there was no power behind it.
"I will be. But I wanna try this first."
"Really?" He propped up the phone and the music began to play. As we dance we continued the conversation
"I'll never know otherwise." I shrugged "this is the least I can do."
"You don't owe me anything, T."
"I want to try this." I told him but I'm not sure I do "this won't go anywhere though you know that right?"
"Yeah I know." He smiled

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