Chapter 7

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"Wine, your Highness?" A waitress offered and I took a glass without hesitation.
"Prince Type." I heard Léo call as he walked over towards me
"What are those?" I nodded towards his hand.
"Chopsticks." He replied rolling his eyes "they're a gift from your mother, for some reason she doesn't think we're able to eat with a knife and fork."
"I'm so sorry." I said shaking my head
"It's fine, I know she's just trying to be helpful."

"I've never used chopsticks."
"No way." He said raising his eyebrow and picking up a little salmon topped cracker thing with the two sticks.
"Let me have a go."
"What's the magic word." He teased
"Léo, I'm not gonna beg you."
"You don't need to, just say please." God he's infuriating
"Please can I use your chopsticks."
"Be my guest." He smiled handing them over to me.

"This is hard." I said trying to pick it up but it kept falling back to the tray.
"Would you mind if I took this?" Léo asked the waitress
"No of course sir." She agreed bowing to me before leaving us alone.
"Put the first stick between your middle and index finger." He instructed
"Like this?" I tried
"Um no..." he sighed "Like this." He repositioned my hand and slipped the chopsticks between my fingers. "Then move your index finger like this." He gently applied pressure to my finger making the chopsticks move. "Then carefully pick up the canapé." He gently moved my fingers again and the canapé stayed in place. He was incredibly close to me. Too close. Whispering distance close. "Then move you head down slightly" and I followed his instructions deeply aware of how vulnerable I was at that moment. He guided my hand towards my mouth and slipped the canapé between my lips. "It's easy once you get the hand of it." He whispered
"Right." I replied dropping the chopsticks and stepping onto his feet as I tried to detach myself from him. "I gotta go."

"What the hell." I groaned splashing my face dramatically with water like they do in the movies. It didn't help at all. He was literally just showing me how to use chopsticks. Why did I freak out? Nobody is gonna know I'm queer because a hot French Asian dude is teaching me how to use chopsticks. I have to chill out. Like right this second. Okay. Breathe. It's all fine. I'm having a queer attack but it will pass.
"Type?" Oh god.
"Yes mother." I groaned
"Come out." I wish I could
"Okay." I walked out of the toilet and my mum didn't look angry.
"Guess who's here?"
"Emily?" I guessed hopefully
"My great grandmother."
"Eleanor." Never heard of her
"Princess Eleanor of Belgium."
"Nope, not a clue."
"You were obsessed with her when you were younger."
"Are you sure that wasn't your other son?"
"I don't have another son." She replied frustrated

"Okay mother, chill."
"Walk with me." She commanded and I did as I was told. "Eleanor" she called to a pretty girl stood next to the fountain. 'Eleanor' had shoulder length curly brown hair and smooth tan skin. Her eyes, from what I could tell, were a shade of green and she must have been maybe 5"6.
"Good evening, Mrs Windsor." She curtsied "Hello, again Prince Type." She smiled curtseying for a second time.
"Hey." I nodded
"You two talk and I'll go sort out the waitress over there." The waitress who put the red wine on the white wine tray. What one tiny mistake can do in this family.
"So..." I started
"You don't remember me do you?"
"Yeah course I do." I lied
"It's okay Prince Type."
"Call me Type." I told her and she blushed. Maybe from embarrassment or honor. I couldn't tell.
"Okay...Type." she tried as if I was testing her
"So what are you doing here?" How do I always manage to sound like a total arse.
"Your mother invited me." She said casting her eyes away from mine.
"Are you staying here a while?"
"Nope, I'm going home tonight."
"Huh, you came all this way to see me?" I grinned
"Uh... no... yes...? Maybe?" She said completely turning away.
"That's adorable." I chuckled.
"What?" She question and I pulled my eyes away from Léo trying to eat cake with his chopsticks to refocus on Eleanor.
"You." I replied quickly.
"Really." She giggled
"Yeah you're crazy beautiful by the way." I charmed

"Who's crazy beautiful?" Léo asked coimg up from behind me and putting his arm round my shoulder.
"Don't touch me without permission." I told him shrugging him off
"Good evening, I'm Eleanor." Eleanor curtsied
"You don't have to curtsey to him." I informed her
"I know, I'm being polite." She told me
"Léo." He nodded
"Nice to meet you Leo." She smiled
"It's Léo. L-ay-o" I corrected.
"Sorry, forgive me Léo."
"It's fine, people always make that mistake." Léo chuckled
"Isn't this thrilling." I said finishing my drink.

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