Chapter 20

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Then next morning I was being convinced to wear camera make up again. I don't need camera make up.
"I think it would-"
"I said no." I repeated
"Stop being difficult Type." My mother commented
"I never wear camera makeup."
"You do when you model."
"Modeling and interviews are different."
"Just do the make up." Mum told the make up artist
"Fine, whatever." She gave up and the makeup artist moved on to style my hair.
"So why am I here again?" I asked
"Just a check up of the royals." My mother answered
"But why me?" I groaned
"Because the youngsters will relate to you more."
"Ugh. No. I don't like answering the dumb questions they ask."
"Nobody does." She retorted
"I'm the Prince of England how do I not have a choice in this?"
"Queen Elizabeth wants you to do it."
"Me? She chose me?" I said with mock admiration "the whole Queen thing doesn't have the same affect when I've seen her dancing about on my 9th birthday party or when I was 13 and she forgot to write me a birthday card or that time last month when she was trying to figure out how face time works. She's just my great grandmother."
"She's the Queen of England."
"Did you just miss my whole speech?" I glared
"I heard it, I just chose to ignore it"
"Wow, how considerate." I rolled my eyes and I saw the makeup artist smile. It's weird how she has her own life. She's not just here for me.
"Is something funny?" I asked but it came out much more threatening than I meant it so she responded with a flustered
"No, no of course not."
"Its fine. You have a pretty smile." I said flashing her a charming smile.
"Uh thanks." She blushed. I guess its not every day she gets a compliment from a prince.

"On air in 5. 4. 3. 2. 1." One of the camera men counted. I put on my genuine looking fake smile and I was live.
"Good morning your Highness." The presenter smiled. She had short brown hair and light green eyes. The way she was leaning forward was creeping me out slightly.
"Good morning." I replied
"Am I supposed to curtsey or anything?" She laughed. Yes. She is supposed to, as soon as I walk up to her she's supposed to. 
"No of course not, that's just a silly formality." I lied. Formalities are important.
"Good, good." She said with a crazy wild smile "so I heard your currently living with the Tussaint family?" They're living with me actually.
"Yeah I am." I nodded in agreement
"So what's that like? Any tea?" Ugh 'tea' such a weird word for gossip.
"It's pretty great, they're all lovely."
"No drama then?"
"No none at all."
"I've heard you clashed a bit with the middle child, Léo Tussaint when they first arrived, are the rumors true?"
"No of course not, me and Léo have known each other for years, we're like that." I said demonstrating with my fingers crossed
"So there's no issue behind their asian background?"
"Excuse me?" What did she just say? Did she just hint at me being a racist?
"Well of course they're father who obviously helps run the army is originally from Japan is it?"
"Korea." I corrected emotionlessly
"Korea. So there was no problem there then." She pushed
"No, of course not. Why would I have any issue?"
"The Royal family aren't always presented the best way when it comes to different ethnicities are they?"
"I have nothing against the Tussiants French Korean ethnicity." I told them truthfully.

"What about the romance blossoming between you and Madeline Tussiant." She questioned
"There's no romance there." I said maybe slightly to quickly
"Some people are speculating if you're going to get married at all." She said narrowing her eyes.
"Of course I am."
"To a woman?"
"Yes of course." I nodded manically
"Not a man?"
"Why would-"
"People are starting to find it strange that you haven't been in a stable relationship."
"Okay but-"
"Maybe I'm asking about the wrong sibling maybe it's Léo or Harrold." She kept interrupting.
"No." I said simply then my mother casually walked onto the set and elegantly sat next to me.
"He's currently in a relationship we wanted to keep it private for now though." She told them cutting right to the core.
"So there is a romance withing Prince Type's life?" The interviewer smiled happily
"Yes most definitely."
"Wonderful. I'm sure alot of woman at home, including myself, would be jumping at the chance to date you." She smiled. God I wanted this interview to finish already.

"One last question for you, Prince" the interview said at last.
"Sure go ahead."
"What qualities are you looking for in you're future wife?"
"Soft skin, beautiful eyes that I can compare to bright shining orbs like they do in novels, funny, interesting, sweet, good with languages cause I'm awful at them, smart, but not too smart, adventurous, fun and obviously they would never give up on me. I want to experience new things with them and overcome things. Just someone that I'll fall in love with."
"Sounds like someone we all know."
"Who?" I asked quickly my heart skipping. Did they know?
"Princess Eleanor perhaps?"
"That's for us to know and for you to find out." My mother answered for me. Now the shipping begins.

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