Chapter 11

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I haven't thought about what Léo said all week. At all. Not a thought. I haven't seen or spoken to him at all. Why would I be thinking about him? Cause I haven't.
"Type." My mother clicked her fingers infront of my face. "You've been daydreaming all day."
"No I haven't." I argued
"What do you think then?"
"Yep, I 100% agree with you." I nodded thats usually the best response.
"Wonderful. She's coming this afternoon."
"What? Who?"
"Eleanor." Fuck me. Not Eleanor. It's a figure of speech.
"Okay." I sighed
"Cheer up, she's a lovely girl."
"Shes perfect." I agree. But she's too perfect.

Later that afternoon she arrived. She was stunning as always. Wearing the most impractical shoes money could buy.
"Good afternoon, Prince Type."
"Hello Eleanor." I greeted as she curtsied delicately.
"Where are we going?" She asked formally as I took her across the mansion.
"We're having dinner." I informed
"Oh really? There's no need."
"It would be an honour, Eleanor." I smiled. It was a polite refined smile. Not the sort of smile you normally give your future wife but she seemed decently happy with it.
"So what do you like to do for fun?" She asked as I pulled her seat out for her to sit.
"The usual, piano," I hate it "ballroom dancing" worst invention of all time "learning French." Where the fuck did that come from.
"Je parle un peu français." Fuck.
"You speak French?" I said shocked
"Oui tres bien," I'm guessing I accidently just translated her sentence.
"Let's stay speaking english." I laughed nervously. Very smooth. "What sort of stuff do you do?"
"Sewing, piano, dance, cooking-"
"But what do you really do Eleanor?"
"Um I'm not sure." She blushed.

"Dinner is served, your Highness." A waiter bowed as the table was piled with food.
"Thank you." I nodded
"What do you really enjoy?" She asked
"You first, my lady."
"I-I really like reading."
"Reading?" I get forced to read and she has a secret passion for it? We should swap lives.
"Now it's your turn."
"Horse riding is definitely up there, maybe swimming. Music. Not classical like pop, heavy metal, ballads, kpop. Anything except country."
"I quite enjoy country music."
"Of course you do, Eleanor." I chuckled
"You should smile more." She grinned before straightening her face "I'm sorry, sir. I totally stepped out of line."
"It's fine and please call me Type."
"You can call me El." She smiled from across the table.

"And you can call me Léo." He grinned walking in "what are you two, love birds up to?"
"Leave." I commanded
"Make me." He said with a glint in his eye
"You're funny." Eleanor laughed across from me.
"I aim to please, don't I Type?"
"I'm sorry, let me have a quick word with Léo." I apologised "I'll be back in a sec." And I pulled Léo out of the room
"What?" He smirked
"What do you want?"
"You're adorable thinking you're stronger than me." He replied looking at my hands gripping his blazer. "Real adorable."
"Please, leave me alone."
"Okay fine, but I want something in return."
"A kiss."
"No" I said backing up
"Not on the lips. Don't make it gay."
"Sounds pretty gay to me."
"Lets call it repaying the favour."
"What do you mean where?"
"Where do you want to kiss me?"
"Your cheek." He replied simply
"Just my cheek?"
"I guess we're having lunch then."
"Fine, what?"
"Kiss me."
"I have consent?" Ugh I'm not sure if this is adorable or fucking annoying.
"Yes you have my consent."
"Lovely." And he gently brought me closer. Too close. Who needs to be the close for a peck? His hands pulled me in by my waist alot rougher than his original move
"You touch my arse and you're never coming back to England." I hissed
"Okay, Prince Type." He smiled. His eyes were so pretty when he smiled. I still like the way he looks at me. The way he looks at everything.
"Just kiss me." I groaned
"Begging already?"
"Whatever." I said pushing him away. "I don't like you."
"I don't like you either. I just like watching you squirm."
"You're pathetic." I said walking back to my date

"You were a while." She commented
"My apologies, he was really acting up."
"You make him sound like your child."
"I don't really know the guy to be honest."
"Yeah, you seem to have grown close quite quickly though."
"I guess thats what its like living with someone." I shrugged
"I would have loved a sibling like that." She did not just compare mine and Léos relationship to the relationship of siblings. Thats just weird.
"Yeah same. I always wanted a twin when I was younger."
"Oh my god! Same. It would be so cool." Shs laughed. I love her laugh. I wanna hear her laugh again. Maybe this whole marriage thing might not be so bad after all.

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