Chapter 31

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When the maids woke me up the next morning I panicked at the fact there was a dude in my bed. But when I went to hide Léo with my covers he was gone so I must have looked pretty strange with whatever I was doing with my sheets. 
"Are you looking for somthing, your Highness?" One of the older looking maids asked.
"Nope not at all." I shook my head "have you seen Eleanor or Léo this morning?"
"Léo is in the kitchen and Eleanor is still asleep in her room." The maid bowed and continued cleaning along with 2 others. I got out of bed and made my way to the kitchen.
"You've been asleep forever." Léo said as I entered the 2nd kitchen. There was the main kitchen where our food is prepared for us and our 2nd kitchen where we can cook.
"What are you doing in here?" I yawned
"Why are you shirtless?"
"Good question." I was gonna get changed after I found Léo okay? I'm not one of those guys that constantly walks around shirtless.

"How do you eat your eggs?"
"You're so funny." He said rolling his eyes and I sat on one of the stools.
"Fried, poached or boiled?"
"Boiled please."
"Ça va."
"Bon matin."
"Bon matin mon amour." He smiled
"Was that good?"
"Oui trés bien."
"Pas peur?" I said. It's probably not normal that the phrase we repeat to each other is 'not afraid'
"Pas peur." He nodded
"Those eggs are taking forever, I'm wasting away here." I complained
"Aw my poor baby."
"Shut it."
"I'm making breakfast for you, I could spit in it."
"I thought it was my job to spit in your mouth." I retaliated
"It is." He grinned
"You're disgusting."
"At least my kinks aren't that bad." He shrugged
"Tell me."

"You wanna know?" He said turning away from the boiling pan of water.
"Yeah, why not?"
"I don't wanna scare you away."
"I'm not scared."
"Pas peur?"
"Pas peur."
"I like being tied up." He said taking a step closer to me "I like pain, I like praise, I like to be degraded." With each one he stepped closer towards me "I like to feel controlled, I like being marked, bruised, scratched, biten, I like having my hair pulled and seeing bruises on my neck." he was extremely close to me now. "I want you to make me beg."
"You kinky motherfucker." I muttered but he was barely and inch from me.
"Sounds good right?"

"Mmh." I hummed speechless.
"I'd let you do that."
"Umkay." I nodded.
"Pas peur?"
"Oui pas peur."
"You wanted to know." He chuckled
"Do you like it... normal."
"Yeah course." He nodded
"So we wouldn't have to-"
"We don't have to do it at all. We don't have to do anything that you don't wanna do."
"I don't think I'm ready yet." I said honestly
"Thats cool." He smiled going back to the eggs.
"You're not annoyed?"
"Of course not." He frowned
"Okay cool. Are the eggs done yet?"
"Yep." He placed them into the cute little egg cups with toasted soldiers.
"Merci." I thanked

"I'm taking you to France this weekend."
"I don't think I-"
"Me and the Queen have discussed it."
"You've been talking to nana?"
"The fact you call her that is hilarious but yes I have."
"What the hell why?" I yelled hitting him around the head
"Ow! What?"
"Shes gonna know."
"It was her idea."
"What? Why?" I asked dipping a soldier into my runny egg.
"You can meet a couple of mes amis."
"That's just scary."
"Their English is amazing chill."
"And if they don't like me?" This breakfast is actually really good.
"Thats what you're worried about?"
"Well yeah."
"You're so cute."
"Shut up."
"No "

"Good morning Type, Léo." A voice rang through the kitchen
"Morning Eleanor." I smiled and Léo silently glared at her
"How'd you sleep?" She asked kissing me on the cheek.
"Yeah really good." I nodded
"Best night sleep I've ever had." Léo said making the entire interaction really suspicious.
"You're still here then?"
"Not for long, me and your lover boy are going on a romantic getaway to Paris at the weekend."
"Léo," I warned
"Wait really?" She pouted
"Nana wants me to." I shrugged
"The Queen wants you socialising with that." She nodded at Léo.
"We're very close."
"I bet you are." She glared and he looked at her with equal hatred.

"So what are we doing today Type?" El asked.
"What do you want to do?"
"We have an award ceremony today." Léo reminded me.
"Oh yeah,"
"Oh? I didn't know that."
"I'm sorry I've been so busy,"
"Its okay." Her smile faltered slightly.
"We can do something tomorrow." I offered
"The Queens hosting another party." Léo interrupted.
"Tommorow morning." I said taking her hand.
"Okay." She smiled. At least I could make her happy.

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