Chapter 4

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"Best behaviour, Type." My mother warned for the 37th time this morning.
"Right." I replied with a forced smile.
"Brush his hair." She ordered one of the maids who did it straight away even though it clearly wasn't her job to do so.
"I'm fine mum." I groaned
"Type, as soon as they arrive you apologise about the other night okay?"
"Yes mum." I said plastering on a fake smile.
"Good, I'm counting on you." Isn't that just wonderful
"Are they ever on time?"
"Watch your manners too."
"Yes mum." I repeated again
"Don't use that tone of voice on me."
"Yes your Highness." I stood straighter with my hand in a saluting position. Trust that exact moment for the Tussaint family to arrive.

"Stand down your Highness." Léo grinned and of course everyone gave a pleasant, controlled laugh. This is gonna be a fun few weeks.
"Shouldn't you be asking for permission to talk to me?" I glared but his smile didn't falter
"No of course he shouldn't, don't be silly Type." My mother said sternly "they're our guests."
"Hello again, your Highness." The eldest of the siblings said stepping forward. I don't remember his name but I'm sure it will come up.
"Good morning." My mother nodded and in turn Léo and his brother bowed and their mother and sister curtsied.
"Fiona, darling, Carla will be your maid and she'll take you to your room. I'll give you a tour once you've settled." My mother said towards the siblings mother. She appeared to be middle ages but very pretty. She looked more like Harrold than she did Maddi and Léo who clearly had more of their dads side, with more Korean features. I supposed Fiona was where their French side came from.
"Type, show Harrold, Léo and Maddi to their rooms."

"Yes mum." I said through gritted teeth. I'll start with Maddi I guess. "Maddi, your room is this way." I instructed walking quickly to get it over with
"Yes your Highness." She curtsied
"You can call me, Type if you want. Or Prince Type, your Highness works too I suppose." God I sound like such a tosser.
"Yes, Prince Type." She smiled.
"Anything you need ask Carla or really anyone who's walking around."
"Okay." She nodded
"If not my room is the other side of the Palace."
"Right, bye then."

Maddi's room was closer to the drawing room and not too far from her mothers room. Next was 'Harrold.'
"Come on Hazza." I smirked
"Don't be rude to him Type." Léo warned
"What did I say about you calling me Type?" God he was getting on my nerves
"Léo." Harrold mumbled
"Sorry." He took a breath "I'm sorry your Highness." And I indicated my eyes down wards and he obeyed and bowed.
"Apology accepted." I nodded but the way he kept eye contact with me as he bowed made me want to jump out the nearest window.

Harrold's room was further into the Palace but only 10 minuets away from the dining room.
"Thank you Prince Type" He bowed before entering his room.
"If you need anything there will be a maid around somewhere or ring the bell." I said nodding towards it
"I am forever in your gratitude." I hate people saying that.
"No need." I smiled but inside I was rolling my eyes to the back of my head. I don't know why this is my job. We literally hire people for this exact job. I know I'm supposed to bond with them but I'll leave that job to Emily.

"And you can stay in the garden shed." I smiled turning to Léo.
"Is it far from you?"
"Decently?" I replied confused
"Then I'm perfectly happy there."
"You have no right to speak to me like that Leo Tussaint."
"Of course your Highness." He bowed down again but he was slowly loosing his temper.
"Your room is directly next to mine. If you need anything I'm literally next door." My mum really thought this would be a good idea.
"Merci, Votre Altesse."
"I don't speak a word of French." I confessed shrugging
"Maybe I'll teach you sometime then."
"Whatever you say Leo."
"It's pronounced Léo" he told me
"Um l-ay-o." I tried
"Decent, try again."
"Great." He smiled walking into his room but I naturally followed him in.
"Interesting name." I nodded
"French Korean." He shrugged

"Do you know much Korean?"
"Not really." He said "my dads Korean and he's usually at work leading your army. But I know a bit. I know your name would be said differently in Korea and France."
"How would you say it?"
"France would probably be more like Teep. And Korean would be more like Tie."
"Yeah I guess." He shrugged "but obviously a name is a name so doesn't change but if you were born in that country with the same spelling it would be said different."
"I like that."
"Do you like me now?" He chuckled
"You wish." I frowned
"Not really on my 5 top wishes to make." He said glaring at me again and I didn't say anything else I just left the room. I'm not gonna lower myself to his level.

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